This is still illegal in Europe

>this is still illegal in Europe

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>europe is one country with one set of laws

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if that's the case, then why do I have 5g's of it sitting on my desk rn? ayoooooo

Literally no one said that Oliver. Nice reading comprehension

>what is the netherlands

>quasi-legal in two countries
Also mind if I save this epic image for Jow Forums4chan

Ill take "shitposting strawman" for 500

does weed acually have horrible cognitive affects of prolonged use? i was a huge pothead when i was 15-18 and i don't ever smoke anymore, but i'm curious... now whenever i do smoke i get really anxious.

It's still illegal in Netherlands. It's just not enforced in major cities for the sake of DUDEWEED teenage tourists.

Yes but decriminalized and not persecuted unless you're a seller

You can smoke in front of cops and they don't give a fuck because CBD memeweed is legal and they need lab tests to tell if it is the legal kind or not

no one knows which is why the retards pushing for legalization are retards

If you did it while your brain was developing (under 25) it can fuck up development noticeably

It’s supposed to hinder brain development when you’re young. But, I noticed that when I used to smoke I would become really good at math for some reason. I would solve problems that took me 10~15 minutes sober in 5 minutes while high

excluding Spain, Ireland, Belgium, and the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Denmark and France+Italy as long as the THC content is below 0.2% with those two.

Actually do some google searching before you post you silly burger

I've smoked it continuously for 15 years but I've always been kinda dull and I have autism, so I wouldn't say it's ruined anything for me that I wouldn't have ruined on my own

There's no reason to believe it's unsafe beyond , definitely nothing even nearly concrete enough to not have it legal, especially when far worse drugs (alcohol/nicotine (especially cigarettes)) are, and when everyone smokes weed anyway. It's impossible to prove anything is 100% safe. From a societal standpoint legalization would reduce a shitton of drug-related crime and give people a better vice than alcohol

Most opposition is from dumbfuck conservatives who aren't exactly the most educated and spiteful retards who don't like stoners so nobody is allowed to have it

>Swedish cuck wants the government to decide what he can and can't put in his body
colour me shocked

below 0,9% here

but that's industrial hemp basically, you may as well smoke tea to get high, only dude lmao weed kids buy it

>when everyone smokes weed anyway
seriously where did this meme come from I have known 2 people in my entire life to smoke weed. But then again I'm straight edge as fuck

[joke about black/refugee dicks goes here]
Seriously though there are drugs which should stay illegal due to effects badly spilling over into society and extreme addiction potential, cannabis isn't one.

I don't know, it's pretty normie here and blue states in general

You're just sheltered

>europe is one country with one set of laws
Not yet.

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>Seriously though there are drugs which should stay illegal due to effects badly spilling over into society and extreme addiction potential, cannabis isn't one.
But those drugs are already illegal and it doesn't stop any of those negative effects

You realize most is at least 12% THC, hell the shit I posted in the OP is double that

>this is still illegal in the USA

A complex situation explained by Vsauce, Simon here.

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It drastically reduces access to them, which is especially important for normies who want to try it 'once' then easily get hooked

Proper weed has at least 18-20% yes

>It drastically reduces access to them
It doesn't though. I don't know anyone who does meth but I could find somewhere to buy it in 10 minutes

Yet both alcohol and cigarettes are scientifically shown to cause a whole range of debilitating ailments and people are sperging oit about those drugs like they do about weed.

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Yes but does the average person actually want to seek out a crack dealer? That's enough to put most off, it's not exactly a secret cannabis use has skyrocketed in legal states since its introduction either

Maybe they're still stuck in the 70s, when people had to smoke half their body weight to get a strong high.

More likely the poster just doesn't understand

A shame, he seemed an honest man.

And all the fears he holds so dear will turn to whispers in his ear

I mean, usage rates have gone up, but I don't know about skyrocketed. Do you have a source for that?

Admittedly I don't know how reliable this source is

awesome thread

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I think it generally causes most people to feel anxious. Unless you use it frequently, it is more difficult to overcome the natural anxiety. When you are used to the feeling you are able to shut the feeling off somewhat. Also it tends to neutralize when your tolerance increases.


>flag calling anyone stupid

it was implied

>this is still illegal in almost every Western country

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People do some really stupid shit on them but physically they're safe, would say legalize them or at least legalize them in government-approved buildings where staff can keep an eye on you to make sure you're okay.

I've only done them once and it was like 4-5g, aside from not trying to piss off my shoes, surrendering my unwavering devotion to curtains whom I believed were a god (in both cases I knew better but believed it anyway) and thinking I was in jail when I finally managed to get the shower on I was pretty composed. There's some fun ego-death stuff but I just went with it

They grow literally everywhere here during late autumn/early winter yet if you pick them out of the ground, suddenly it's illegal. So retarded.

I mean the government can't ban the ground from growing it, devil's advocate and such

ur fucking retarded

Nice argument

Wasted trips

That's not what implying means, and it legitimately isn't fully legal anywhere (at least on the level it is in legal states/leafland) regardless of various countries overlooking ti

if you can buy it, walk around with it, and use it, what difference does legality make

Actual stores selling it and the weed itself being consistent and regulated. The amount of choice, information and just knowing I'm not buying garbage is really nice

I guess. From my perspective they've still got it good though.

I mean it's not that cheap but a lot of dispensaries sell at least one REALLY high THC strain for the same price as the rest so it works out, though I've only been a handful of legal ones plus one medical

heh sorry buddy but I had to report. this post to interpol. nothing personell, its just that I cant watch a crime without taking action.

I'm sure the increase in cost is worth not having to deal with the anxiety involved in breaking the law and transporting illegal substances.

That's nice too but it's more about convenience and buying good stuff instead of having a dealer flake 4 times just to sell you brick weed for the same price. I'm NJ and with or without medical have the highest prices in the country so take this with a grain of salt

How much do you pay for an ounce?

$450ish, the medical one I go to only sells in quantities of 1/8 to 1/4 but I've seen recreational sell low as a gram

A clarification.
>THC is.
>CBD isn't.

CBD doesn't get you high and actively counteracts any THC that might be present, utterly pointless for recreational use

Zoomers still love it

Swiss farmers are making a killing growing it

I was about to ask if zoomers were retarded then remembered I already know the answer

That's really expensive. Twice what you would pay for the same thing here. Also, worrying about supply quality is nonexistent here. All of the good stuff comes from medicinal growers in legal states, and there's a steady supply of it. The only downside is the harsh legal repercussions of getting caught, but if you're not stupid about it, keep the supply-chain short and whatnot, you're not likely to get caught.

>the medical one I go to only sells in quantities of 1/8 to 1/4
You can buy multiple 8ths/quarters up to 1.5oz a month if I wasn't being clear

>Somehow brugmansia is legal when you can go on a rampage and chop your dick off

Street is also $15-20 a gram so it's whatever

I recall a thread a year or so ago on Jow Forums where an user was posting photos of the process of him cutting off his balls. Was kind of fucked, funny and entirely retarded.

In prison, you would be a bitch on the first day.

I use it for eczema and mitral valve prolapse. Low dose benzos are better for relaxing and temper.

450 for an oz? that's insane

Still, it's only like $5 or so to get me high so I can live with it

I heard that weed is a thing among french normies

Can weed sometimes smell musty/slightly mildew-y and not be bad? I have reasons for asking

Imagine your life depends on weeds or cigar



>do I fit in now Jow Forums4chan

Anyone who wants it, smokes it. I went to the drunk tank for a night for unrelated reasons and the cops let me keep the 2g of weed I had in my pocket.

>I have known 2 people in my entire life to smoke weed
Like the other guy said, youre sheltered as fuck. In my office, I work in a team of 6 people. 4 of those smoke weed.


>Yes but decriminalized and not persecuted unless you're a seller
But that's racist!

Nah, man. It heals cancer!


>Not all drugs should be legal, are you insane? People could HARM themselves!

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Filthy brain-dead stoner faggot


Nobody cares about your opinion indonegria

You cared enough to respond mountainjew

>I posted it again XD

No u

Fucking idiot retard homosexual

Nobody loves you Doug.

I had a psychosis from smoking weed AMA

>wanting HPPD
dumb degenerate canuck drugger

isn't that where you can't pull your foreskin back

That's phismosis or something like that I think! My foreskin is fine.

Ngl just @ lol thats smoking weed often.
Weed is the devil or at least has no benefits.
The downside is huge.
Smoking it rarely over the year on parties etc. is fine, but smoking alone in your home because youre addicted? Hell no.

>be India
>cultivating and smoking weed for several thousands of years
>bring weed culture to Caribbean and Jamaicans
>get colonized by Brits
>they ban the use of weed
>brainlet politicians now say that "weed is against our culture"

For fuck sake why do Anglos have to fuck everything up

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it's de-facto legal to be completely and totally 100% honest with ypu

Please respon, was from a dispensary and had the smell the day I bought it