Why are British women stereotype as being unattractive?

Why are British women stereotype as being unattractive?

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A lot of them are I think. But occasionally you get a goddess on earth.

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I get reminded of that every time I come back from a holiday and just see their mugs
Just visit the UK bro
90% of people here have been hit by the ugly stick

The lower class is ugly everywhere. But superugly in Germany and UK.

>British women stereotype


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? she's a fucking she-ogre mate

British TV and audiences care way less about looks in general


British people are just bad looking in general.

Was that picture supposed to prove otherwise?

Because D*nes and N*rwegians stole most of the pretty women a thousand years ago. Brits are literally goblins, and so were the original American colonists. The only reason why Americans are "relatively" attractive now is that we've been Irished, Germaned, Italianed, and Mexicaned to hell by now.

Her face is small

you're not attractive

I'd rather have a cute pale Anglo gf than a swarthy Southern European woman.

Sorry Nigel

note how Denmark and Norway are #7 and #6 because they stole your women in 800-1000AD

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We;re inbred Ireland monkeys. Please come to Britain and fuck our women. WE NEED GENETIC DIVERSITY!

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I know this is a meme that constantly gets said but the literal opposite happened, they came, settled and interbred.

Memes. Most sane heterosexual men on earth would kill for a brit slag or fit brit woman

>its another shitskins fetishising northern european women episode

not even related to their skin color as brit slag are renowned for having a tan like most latinas or southern europeans, you daft cunt

Your pic should make it pretty self explanatory.

Only on Jow Forums, not irl

I want to watch Dark Phoenix to see Michael Fassbender suffering, he cute. No homo.

I won't be happy until every slag has her womb filled with a foreign baby.

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because any time i think of a british woman i imagine them speaking in a cockney accent and that accent isn't attractive

That's after the overpopulation period happened. The initial raids were for loot and booty, but later raids were settlement. And I would assume that settlement was a period of betas being kicked off the Denmark peninsula, much like North America was settled by loser Puritans who lost the battle against Catholics and Proddies.

Ok, do you really think in the 400 - 800s would you rather settle England with it's mild weather and much more arable land or not Norway with it's much colder weather and much harsher landscapes?

Am I not allowed to have preferences?

Medieval warm period was fine m8, in fact it lead to Scandinavia becoming overpopulated

They first started by raiding, then they established port towns (Hebrides, York, Dublin etc.), then they went full on Danelaw and settled you. It was periodic based on their needs.

What I'm saying is that at first, they raided portables such as gold and women. Then they established ports. Then they sent the overpopulation (ex. losers, just like Puritans to the USA or low-level nobles to New Spain) to England and lower Scotland to colonize

You got double fucked on this. This isn't something to be obstinate about, this is something that Denmark and Norway should repay England for.

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came here to post her, good taste

I'm pretty much in love with her. Brits are so lucky.

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ive seen some ugly troglodytes but many attractive british women

Tanned whites > actual sh*tskins

You are not pulling an ape escape here