Who's going down with the ship here?

Who's going down with the ship here?

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Nope, Tether lifeboat at $11k saved my ass

I tethered my ETH and BTC near their peaks, but held some alts. Then I fucked up by buying more of those alts on the way down.

>vid related

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i am 100k to 30k and falling

I had 1.8m at the peak. Down to 360k now

I don't fucking care, I'm waiting for the next war so I can sign up to the military

Why? This is stupid possible option to choose.
Cut your losses and get in again with smarter trades.

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Holy shit. What are your holdings?

kek you fucked up big time

Mostly top 100 alts and they’re all down


Damn dude. I know you took some profit though...r-right?

Nope only took profit on some bitcoin when it first hit $7000 and didn’t really take any profit on alts at all

I don’t get why none of you 6-7 figure portfolio anons didn’t cash out between 10-18k. So fucking stupid.

Greed makes people retarded

Yup and because when bitcoin was over $10k I was upset that I was mostly holding alts so I didn’t want to sell any bitcoin and I also didn’t want to sell alts for bitcoin at what I thought was a low price in btc

On the other hand, it's that stubborn resistance to selling that probably made them all hold long enough to make 6-7 figures in the first place. It's not just greed, it was easy to think it might have bottomed out at several points on the way down. Then you also get caught in the trap of thinking "oh it's already so low, it would be dumb to sell here." It's more about making mistakes managing risk rather than pure greed.

Dubs and I finish xenogears

Glad someone recognized it. Let me help you there.

Yeah I mean I held bitcoin from $750 to under $200 before watching it go to $19k

me don't care any more.

Yeah im prettt numb to it. I was broke three years ago and probably will be again soon. Oh well

I know it's painful losing so much. But let me slap some sense into you. 1.6M is a shitload of money. Enough to last you a lifetime and make millions from safer investments. I don't know what you started with, but the amount you have is still amazing. More than most people will see in their lives.

If you were completely new to the market, is what it is.... we all goofed thinking it was just gonna keep climbing

But if you have prior crypto experience, or stock experience
And you didn't take some profit from 18-20k You are confirmed brainlet fren

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Thanks! I try not to get caught up in how much money I’ve “lost” on paper this year and try to think how happy I would be with what I have now just two years ago when I couldn’t imagine ever having seven figures. Let’s just hope this is near the bottom though because i don’t want to no longer be a millionaire accreded investor! (I basically started with $25k but I kept buying on the way up and probably invested over $120k by December before finally taking some profits)

Hodl xD
i feel ya
Who knows where this shit show is goin.... kinda tired of the games tho. Mind is getting a little rekt

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Hard to justify but after having sold so much bitcoin under $1000 and regretting it like hell at $10,000 plus I just didn’t want to sell any more

The other problem is, if there is another bull run... When do you sell?

Well historically the dumps have eventually recovered in time - just hope this time is no exception

Yeah I don’t know. I guess this time I leaned my lesson and will try to force myself to sell like one percent every 10 percent rise?? At least I’ll sell alts back to btc this time

Dude what the fuck, you got extremely greedy, once it hit $5million how the fuck did you not try and cash out atleast $1MM as quick as you could??

Didn’t want to pay half in taxes and disnt think it would drop eighty percent in months

Well it did go up 1000% in a couple of months so....

i'm almost exactly the same as you, $1.9 mil at peak last year, $350k now. Feels bad man.

if tether fails, hold your buttcheeks

But when will it ever be enough user?

>we all goofed thinking it was just gonna keep climbing
leveraged longs squeezed by reverse barts
i start to think people never learn...

What the fuck is going on kek. I'm from /v/.