Moscow vs Saint Petersburg? What is better and where is more beautiful?

Moscow vs Saint Petersburg? What is better and where is more beautiful?

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Saint Petersburg ofc
Moscow city is not white

It depends. For tourism - St. Petersburg, for living - Moscow.

St pidorburg is full of shitty zoomers, feminists, gays, cuckolds and liberals in worst meaning of this word. But somewhat whiter than moscow in % to total population. Shitty weather. I am glad that Karl Gustav Mannerheim killed at least some of those abominations during blockade.
Moscow is rich, well maintained, has a lot of facilities to spend time with fun, but also has a lot of non-russians.
In the end Moscow ismuch better place than pidorburg.

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t. m*scovit

I liked moscow better

>where is more beautiful
Both are pretty shit.

This muscovite is clearly trying to misinform everyone, especially about the gays, Moscow is literally sprawling with them. Central part of the city looks like Amsterdam during a pride. The only truth is his post is about libtards, more than 50% of people in SPB hate Putin and the ruling party

Saint Petersburg is better on all fields.


90% of both of these cities are 30-floor putinblocks

i like kieslowski-tier commie blocks. they look kino af.

Nah. Also varlamov is cancer.

>What is better
Depends on what you wanna do there.

I like both places, and since the Sapsan is a pretty comfortable way of traveling between these cities, I'd suggest you to visit both.

Also: don't pay attention to the Russian autists on Jow Forums. Russians in SPB and Moscow are normal people.

>St pidorburg is full of shitty zoomers, feminists, gays, cuckolds and liberals in worst meaning of this word.

I tought russia was based.

I dont really understand how liberals work in a society of putin.

is there a video in witch I would get a idea what are the people kinda like in saint spedersburg.

this is how the people are in helsinki
also the women are sluts who only have sex with black and mediterrian people.

yeah so what
I prefered visiting moscow
denmark is better on all fields than turkey yet more tourists visit turkey than denmark

St P is full of shitty zoomers, feminists, gays, cuckolds and liberals and yet is still better than Moscow in every way unless you're a 10/10 chad billionaire with a russian girl that can get you anywhere. To go to russia as a foreigner is failure unlses you are in St P (because of the shitty list mentioned which makes you more accepted) anyway both get boring after a month and are unlivable.

>denmark is better on all fields than turkey
maybe if you like to wake up, drink coffee, spend all day in the office, come home to dinner and do nothing else. 1st world is shit in all aspects.

unlivable by how?
if you dont really need to get anywhere far.

Dont listen to him, he's clearly a proxy retard.

tell me about the people of spedersburg.

because it's impossible to live in Russia if you are a westerner. The culture is too different, people are too different. There is no "learning" the russian way of life, you just have to accept it for how it is.
Girls are much colder, waiters are much colder, the restaurants are way too simple, the weather is really fucking terrible (in st p), the stores are worse, no one actually gives a fuck about you because you're foreign, and even if they say "it's just how russians are" well yea we are not used to it so it feels bad. it is just too hard man. I already tried because I met a Russian girl here and she had to go back home to finish a semester. I threw away some months of my life over there, it doesn't work. I feel sorry for anyone else that attempts.

Normal people, many students and young people.

Lol stfu retard, I have friends from all over the world that live there and love it, including Americans. You're just an autistic failure.

>Russians in SPB and Moscow are normal people.
They aren't Russians.
Go visit Tambov instead.

soiboy gays and weirdos

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>tell me about the people of spedersburg
They are probably like 5% Finnish.

>They aren't Russians.

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what is he saying?

>They aren't Russians.
Oh fuck off, really. People always act as if Russia was only inhabited by Tajikis and Chechens.

Basically, that it's future ghetto

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>Moscow vs Saint Petersburg
Not real Russia, choose something else.

Another brainlet

>AIDS girls

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Nothing, he can barely speak.

>Not real Russia, choose something else.
I can't advise anyone to experience REAL Russia.

Of course I am a failure, because I couldn't manage to live in Russia. While I easily lived in London, Oslo, NYC, Hamburg, and Lyon for my work. Giving it up to try in St Petersburg was a fucking failure and if I couldn't do it but someone else can then they have something which I don't have, and I don't know what it is. I don't know what your "friends" are doing in Russia. And you cannot say I lacked enthusiasm since I was excited to go, so much that I have pics of me at embassies here and I documented everything because i was ecstatic. I also had my girlfriend who was Russian, I had pretty much everything set up including an apartment right off Nevsky.
The breaking point was moving out of the center to see if that would help me so I went to the island off to the west since there were more local russians there but that was even worse and the ultimate breaking point to me leaving russia.

Overall St Petersburg is my favorite city in the world, it somehow surpassed everything I had ever seen with the parks and palaces, but couldn't live there for the life of me.

finnland wtf?

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yes I translated the title but what's wrong? it doesn't look worse than anywhere else. So what am I missing?

Russia has way more interesting places to visit or live, apart from Moscow and SPb

link the source please, this is interesting

He hates mnogoetazhkas

Why so? Have you been in Ural, like Perm or Yekaterinburg?

well yeah, but youre a amerimutt.
Only in murica the clerks come to you to ask "how are you doing" or the waiters are super nice because more tipping.

just because it didnt work out with you, I still expect to get that mad slavic pussy.

they are barely slavic in st petersburg man, and nearly all girls there have traveled all over europe and think they're better than anything because of it. If you want real russians go south and east, who have not been so deluded by the west. You cannot take 20 steps in saint petersburg without seeing some whore on the ground taking instagram pics. If you yourself don't have 10k followers and pics all over the world don't even bother with major cities in Russia.

Russians are not cold (the most stupid stereotype about us), and you're retarded not to find enough Russians who can speak English

list these pls


it's not the same speaking english when you're in a fucking group and every second minute they turn to speak and laugh in russian together

Ural is the worst besides ethnic enclaves. I don't advice anyone to go there. Alcoholics, stupid, disgusting people.

im basically oblieged to spread my superior tshingis genes into them subhuman slavs.

those subhuman slavs are thinner, taller, and more beautiful than you in every way; they are sophisticated and they are the peak of slav in their catergory while you are the very bottom of your own scandinavian being. To breed with you would be an absolute downgrade to them.

Are you an imbecile? Why do I need to have 10k followers in Instagram to live in SPb or Moscow? These cities are full of people that migrated from all parts of Russia, and it's pretty easy to find one who's not arrogant.

>they are barely slavic in st petersburg man
Novgorod area is Baltic genetically. They speaked Finnic for a while before Slavs but of Baltic descend like Estonians.

On one hand I live the shitposting on the other hand fuck jannies of int. I cant decide if I want to say fuck int and get perma banned or not.. ill make my mind in the next few hours.

Ural region (like Perm, Yekaterinburg and regions), South Russia (Rostov, Krasnodar), Caucasus republics, Kazan, Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Omsk), Northern Russia (Karelia, Komi, Arctic area) and a lot of other places. Russia doesn't end in Moscow and SPb boundaries.


A typical mutt. All Sl*vs ugly af

When we go to Russia we are looking for the top 5% of your women which are world travelers and arrogant and there's no preventing this since their head becomes big. Those are the women that look like supermodels when we walk around italy or france with them. That's what we want and desire. If we went to russia to find the non-arrogant bottom 30% that are studying psychology what is the point?

>Moscow vs Saint Petersburg?
Moscow is richer. Saint Petersburg is more European.
>What is better and where is more beautiful? There's no much difference.

>Murino is a local ghetto and the most terrible district of St. Petersburg.
Murino is not even St. Petersburg, completely outside the city boundaries. A bunch of m*ttscovite slander is what that is.

What did you expect? That they will serve you as a superior being, right? I think it's ok to all such cases, I'm also way more humble when travelling to Europe.

>Moscow vs Saint Petersburg?
Moscow is richer. Saint Petersburg is more European.
>What is better and where is more beautiful?
There's no much difference.

Both gay.

I don't know what to answer you. If they are that arrogant, you'll be nobody to them even you're American or whatever.
I want to ask you instead, is there a chance for ordinary Russian man like me to find Western girl? I'm handsome, like 7-8/10, wanna find the girl with same standards.

Even if the area is mostly Balt now doesn't mean Chuds were such. They probably had more Indo-Iranian DNA than Baltic, since Finnic tribes mixed with Indo-Iranians before moving to the Baltic area.

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Moscow is a sewer.

Double Kazan and Krasnodar

And here he is...

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Consider not talking about Finnic people if you don't want to hear about the subject

*consider not talking to finns.
you gain absolutely nothing from it.

Nobody talked to Finns except American flag. The autism is astonishing.

Third capital of Russia

It's the worst millionaire of Russia. Shithole.


Novosibirisk looks nice.


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Lovely. I don't know how it manages to be better off than most of Western Russia.

im pretty sure these dancing hot 14 year olds dont accurately represent the city of novosibrisk.

He's still correct though, it's a very liveable city

Good thread. Please visit Russia.

I have this romantic idea that siberia as this middle of nowhere of place where there are huge cities in middle of nowhere and people are free from the first world problems of reading sad leftist stuff from the internet.

Like they are somekinda bubble of their own, like the west.

maybe I should visit the throatsinging festival over there and get absolutely hammered and beaten up and robbed by some sibernigger.

back to the roots i guess.

>is there a chance for ordinary Russian man like me to find Western girl?
Literally no one needs Russian """""men""""" outside of ex-USSR countries and SEA shitholes.

Don't buy ticket back

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its in kyzyl.

>Novosibirisk looks nice.

No, it's not.

t. Novosibirsk-kun

being drunk is perfectly good reason for a homicide.

Im pretty sure they wouldnt skin me alive for my beatiful white skin.

What does he mean?

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B A S E D & U R A L I C

I wish that was true

Identitarians, no refugees

bump for petersburg.

i was there like literally

I see what are you doing here

St Petersburg seems like a wonderful place.

das rite

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> more tourists visit turkey than denmark

Why don't they build piatietazhki anymore? I mean modern ones. This one layout that seemed popular back in the USSR, U shaped buildings or just parallel buildings with a big park with trees and childrens' playground in the middle, is pretty comfy provided it's well maintained. At least it's not as soulless as muh mnogoetazhki