Amerianons, what's the deal with this?
Amerianons, what's the deal with this?
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-_- bunch of losers that's who they are
The Republicans and Democrats have such a hard-on for the Jews and Israel that they will put their interests before the collective interests of America in treasonous manner and add fuel to the fires of alt-right anti-Semitism with ridiculous busybody legislature like this.
And yet when you point this out, you are accused of being an anti-Semite.
vote against
>have ADL go after you with negative news
vote for
>get AIPAC money
if you don't want to vote for you just take a trip back to your home state
Based, Jow Forums btfo
land of the unfree, home of the slave
reported to the fbi for breaking rule b of house resolution 672 (2017)
Holy fucking shit the state of cuck burgers
Actually, I just checked. Fake news.
Still cucked, but not as cucked.
what's fake about it
Aye lad, ain't that something.
Did you read the text?
Did you?
>Since 2010, the Department of State has adhered to the working definition of Anti-Semitism by the European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC). Some contemporary examples of anti-Semitism include the following:
It's still an extremely cucked piece of legislature, but it isn't outlawing it.
Are you being facetious or just obtuse?
it's a defintion of antisemitism, but antisemitism isn't a crime, it just means if you had done one of those things and then had anything happen with a jew it would be a hatecrime
Go back to Jow Forums
Are you being a retard? That image is deliberately made to make it look as if saying those things is now illegal. The legislation just calls on "combating it" with multilateral organizations, documenting "anti-Semitic hate crimes", and adopt a definition (which I find to be very conflicting given the source, but that's another matter entirely). Nothing has been outlawed. Americans can still call Jews space lizard Illuminati that control the world and invented the Holocaust.
>isn't a crime
>it just means if you had done one of those things and then had anything happen with a jew it just means if you had done one of those things and then had anything happen with a jew it would be a hatecrime
>it would be a hatecrime
>That image is deliberately made to make it look as if saying those things is now illegal.
You are so fucking obtuse, mate.
>Nothing has been outlawed.
You have no idea how your legislative system works, do you? These bills passed to directly make up pillars of the legal system, they are used as substantive reference to support the creation and amending of laws.
>These bills passed
These bills aren't passed
Also, stay arsehurt, American Jow Forumstards. Your country is one big fucking joke.
>(5) On October 16, 2004, the President signed into law the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004. This law provides the legal foundation for a reporting requirement provided by the Department of State annually on anti-Semitism around the world.
>(6) In November 2015, the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 354 by a vote of 418–0, urging the Secretary of State to continue robust United States reporting on anti-Semitism by the Department of State and the Special Envoy to Combat and Monitor Anti-Semitism.
>(7) In 2016, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), comprised of 31 member countries, adopted a working definition of anti-Semitism which stated: “Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”.
You fucking dipshit, it is already built off a previous foundation and changes very little.
>The eternal nigel pretending to understand American politics
Australia just needs to be rangebanned: half the time it's just banal shitposts, the other half is stuff that belongs on Jow Forums.
The heat and the authoritarianism in that shithole constantly warp the Aussie's mind.
That AIPAC money
Holy shit, lads.
Even after the holocaust people here aren't nearly as cucked as you.