Truly making it in Life

Making it isn't becoming a millionaire, that won't bring true happiness. Making it is fixing a few things on my body so I can return to being a Chad like I once was as a youngster. There is no feeling in the world like having girls naturally like and want you purely off aesthetic looks and pure personality. Fucking whores is shallow and fake, a basic hit to your dopamine system that leaves you empty in the end. But walking down the street and getting stared at by dreamy eyed teen girls is a comfy feel some of you will sadly never had. Think of it as butterfly's in your stomach that gives you a pure feeling of earthly love.

I've done loads of drugs...actually everything you can think of. And although I've had some blissful feelings I'd take what I described over drugs.

>t. Popular Chad until Highschool
>complete Just in all aspects of life from then on

Any anons with a similar view or experience?

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>being this much of a has been

nah, I’m the below average guy, had no luck so I started a business after dropping out of college, bought my first house at 19, second at 20, invested in bitcoin and stocks and retired shortly after. I used to wish I had what women wanted when I was younger but I came to realize that if women gave me the time of day back then I’d just fuck all day and laze about because of my out of control hormones which only when combined with my bitterness pushed me ever onward.

Fuck dopamine, man...

Focus on building up proper infrastructure so you can get the serotonin and oxytocin.

The quick rushes from small efforts disappear so fast because of desensitization that it's ridiculous anyone would aim for them. You need to get yourself some fundamental knowledge of psychology.

This desu

If I had been a normie I'd probably be in some apartment make $30k like every other guy my age. My incel rage fueled me.

>tfw going to use some of my crypto winnings on a week long prostitute binge with 18 y/o escorts soon
>tfw Chad will never know this feel

If you are average now...definitely spend some shekels on a fix up. Things like jaw or nose etc, there are times when there isn't anything to fix .... but still look meh. You'll have to adapt
4/10 beta autist with none of the experience I shared. It's like explaining what ecstasy or heroin feels'll be thinking of something completely different regardless of details given to you.
I guess you can still be the typical rich programmer or engineer that gets the past down roastie who doesn't respect her spouse and gets dicked down by chad or nigs while beta is out bringing in her spending funds.

And I guess you can be the fat drug addicted loser pining away for his high school days while he feebly rubs his dick and whines on Jow Forums.

Incel needs to fuck off this board

you just miss highschool, since that's when you peaked. but ye if you peaked as an adult, women would still crave you.
it's unlikely you can re-peak. but gl.

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I can respect a hustler user
I wish I had that drive, I'm a pleasure seeker at its core. When I know sitting and really dedicating time to a skill, business, or meme career would pay off years later. I sometimes attempt it, but I usually end up giving up half way, or convincing my self it isn't for me, or just say fuck it and want comfy feels now -drugs(usually this one)

Say what you will anons, I'm a junkie , I'm useless this and that. But I am sometimes convinced my Neurons have Bogged me from a young age making life bland and boring. Thus stimulating it with dopamine and endorphin action mainly is the only way I've been able to somewhat enjoy everyday tasks.

I envy some of you who were beta autist or ugly from young age. You learn to deal with it, grow and move on or you end it.
But when you have it all in life, pure happiness and connection with others...confidence through the roof. Then have it stripped away from you and never to return.....I think this is the ultimate JUST . Sry dont mean to throw the pity party, been up 40 hours on....a 'boost' if you will

M8 I've done all types of reading on that stuff including substances...and I agree with you

But I've been productive and sober as well, and I have always returned to drugs after a while. There is something broken in me, something switched. I feel like for certain ppl they have an engrained negative outlook on life, or a tendacy to invite depression back into their life. While others ... most ppl go through their little bouts of 'hard' times then its gone

I get the oogley eyes because momma was right all along: I'm a cute as a pumpkin

how about you fucking leave my croatian basket weaving board, retard

what drugs are you addicted too?

My story is only a tiny little bit similar.
In highschool, which in my country is not jsut a school everyone gores to but rather a pre-uni, I used to look good (ottermode but ripped), good face, good hair and good teeth.
I ued to buy drugs online very cheap a with BTC in 2013-2014 and sold them offline for a higher price, rinse and repeat, at one point I even owned over a 100 BTC.

Then I got JUST'ed by the police in a raid ( not a real JUSt, I only had to pay 2k and but I was marked for life and they have all my biodata and so on for 10 years.

After Highschool I went to Uni to study Biochem, so let me wrap up, I was fit, had a 8-9/10 aryan GF( she was finnish and goddamn was she pretty), was studying science, had social life and some of the sickest raves in the entirety of europe.

Welp I fell in love with a thot so I left my gf because the sex wasnt so good( she was a virgin - yes a 19 year old blonde virgin that looked good how rare is that) and from there on the Justin begins, the thot made me fall in love with her but she used to be in an "abusive" longterm relationship so she "couldn't" fully give me what I wanted at the time, I waited half a year, still no sex, dumped her.

Well in that half a year, I kind didn't study, don't ask me why I was en entire half year just thinking with dick or whatever.

Now I fell out of uni have to reapply for another 5 years of a shitty paying science and my new gf does not look nearly as good as my first one, and neither do I.

Also, stop smoking weed when life is shit - it only makes things worse.

I agree with OP. I'm a well earning and well off academic, do some smart contract programming, work although I don't have to, and being Jow Forums and admirable by strangers (girls in particular) is so enjoyable. Being lean and having a full head of hair, sitting in a cafe, reading an interesting text, that's much more rewarding of a feel than the $300k ATH that felt like a video game. And yes, it's not even the sex. Once you're miderately attractive and confident enough, you can have sex with girls on tinder and you know they just want cock and there's nk real feel of accomplishment there anymore. But being fit and able to do a handstand is a frew kind of feel that one should take care to hold. And, really, sex is 5 times better when you love your own body and are agile too. If you gain 15kg, dex isn't half as good anymore.
Is that tio how you feel OP?

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I have a small penis that doesn't work.

yeah op I know what you mean. I wasn't a chad or anything but there was a time when some girls were interested in me without me having to make any effort, a crazy pretty girl tried making me her bf. it's a kind of high you won't get if you have to chase women. but that is long gone and the JUSTing of adulthood made me uglier. at least you have the memories.

What do you study?

Wow your deluded.

Making it in this world isn't becoming a millionaire. Making it is when you can earn money passively. If you can literally lay in bed all day but still earn a cheque by the end of the week- that's when you've officially made it.

Have fun trying to hook up with teens you fuckin loser

Sorry man, not everyone peaked in middle school. Sucks your life is just down hill from here. The reality is you will never be young again. Move on and stop clinging to the past.

got a PhD in physics, but do a more practical job with machine learning now

also forgot to mention women are complete shit and not worth it, so le incels didn't miss out on much

the only thing that competes is becoming the girl

>tfw I was a Chad in elementary school
>Tfw became beta cuck high school
>Tfw started evolving into Chad again end of high school
>Tfw tore my arm in University and am now a beta cuck again

God fucking dammit.


he thinks he made it

I said nothing of the sort. I say I'm at a place where I don't have to work 40h but it doesn't make me feel as good as social admiration (I just say it how it is, we don't have to compete on an anonymous site)

HAHAHAHA fuck mate you’re a retard. I’m chad tier. Even my coworker said if I had a 90s name I’d be chad (and she blushed kek). But I don’t feel like I’m king of the world for it. Women are like children that don’t understand why they feel the way they do. They just play dress up and try so hard to not cry and have a panic attack. Now as a chad you attract a lot of this kind of behavior. Women love to act out towards me at work just so I can react and rebuke them. It’s annoying. Be happy to have a girl to fuck that you think is hot. Get one with a big phat ass. Peace.

to me the pursuit of truth and knowledge is of far greater importance than the ethereal and shallow approval of some earthly strumpet

Get your Test checked you cucks

>women are an inconvenience
>my nuts are like cranberries

I understand

I hate living so much. i just want one girlfriend in life. But no girl has ever been interested in me ever. And i work so hard to get one.
Im 20, have about 80 k in crypto. I do no fap. I work out out all time and chew gum to get better jawline. I even watch a bunch of garbo western netflix shows and movies to seem update. I try to read a lot so i seem smart. I have productive hobby ive spent years of my life on. Im as healthy as ever. I try to dress nice as much as possible. Ive been told i look good and got likes on tinder
yet... im still kissless virgin. And whenever i try to tell people how miserable i am, they always say shit like
yet, i also hear im somehow better off than most people, and those have no problem getting girlfriend. I hear guys on here, can get girl to sleep with them, without even talking about tv shows, sports, or anything at all. Why. Why the fuck cant i have this. there are basedboys and literal pedophiles that have girlfriend
Ive been legit cursed in life. God hates me for some reason and made it so i can never get a girlfriend. its the worst thing in the world. i have done something really really really horrible in the previous life to deserve this. And, i have no idea how anyone whose a non virgin or girl is capable of form of depression. because, i cant imagine whats worse in life than not having a girlfriend.

You might say
>wow user, maybe if you stop complaining all the time about no girlfriend...
this is one of the few times im ever doing it. the rest i try to be happy and ignore the problem but no. its fucking awful. and i never want to be friends with any non virgin.

fuck it. i really might kill myself in a few years. think about to cry

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Yeah man. I feel you. I'm 33. I don't have a job but I'm asethetic as fuck. Was a professional model for most of my twenties. I still look youung enough to talk to high school girls and they don't think I"m creepy. I went surfing all day yesterday and girls were mirin. Fucking smoking hot roastie caught me staring at her ass and just gave me a coy smile. Then I thought of my beautiful wife and just came home.

Feels good man.


"Happiness is only real when shared."

You need experience, but since you need experience to get experience it's a vicious cycle.
How old are you? And for how long have you been doing this? You're on a good way just play the numbers game

Also try to get together with someone whos a virgin too, you're a weeaboo? Go to conventions n shit, pick out some girls get their numbers and there you go.

Don't just expect girls to be magically attracted to you for being all those good things, you need to show interest too and move on if it isn't mutual.

I'm exactly like this too, be Chads JUSTed us long term. Feelsweirdman.

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>If I had been a normie I'd probably be in some apartment make $30k like every other guy my age. My incel rage fueled me
So much this.
My autism led me to be self employed rather than deal with people

You seem to place too much emphasis on getting a girlfriend, as if it's your only purpose in life. Maybe it feels like it is, but that's probably just because you've never had one before, I don't think you would obsess about it so much otherwise.

I'm guessing you don't mention any of what you just said when you actually meet girls, but even then I bet they can feel some kind of pressure from you in terms of how important it is for you to get a girlfriend, and you probably end up scaring them all off. I know it's easier said than done but I think the best thing to do if you want a girlfriend is to relax, focus on yourself and what you want to do, who you want to be, and girls will come. On the other hand, if your whole life is about getting a girlfriend (and it sounds like this might be the case), I'd wager you're going to continue having a hard time finding someone.

TL;DR: Shift your focus away from girls to yourself, improve yourself and work hard not because you want a girlfriend but because you want to do something, accomplish some kind of goal, regardless of whether or not that will help you get a relationship. If you do that, I'm confident you will build character and be much more attractive to girls

im 20 and starting sophmore year of college.
i honestly think its all my terrible life decisions why i lack this. I never asked out any girl i highschool, causei was obsessed with asian girls, and did not want to ask out white girl
I chose not to go to a freshmen dorm in college, and i had to be roommates with the fucking RA of my dorm, so i had no friends at all in my freshman dorm room
Every single club i attended, i quit after 2 weeks. Cause it looked like i would not make a girlfriend.
And i never joined a frat.

I wish i could go back and fix all those things. except the frat. not sure if joining a frat is for me. but im honestly sooo desperate right now. i might join a fucking frat.
i guess ill have to try this. im so desperate.
>getting someone whose virgin too
i dont really care if girl is virgin or not. but arnt 98% of girls non virgins by college?
getting a girlfriend is the only thing thatll make me happy. I want someone who i can hang out with, go on dates, talk about manga together, and is also someone i experience sex with. The happiest moments of my life, was literally going on 1 date with one girl. it felt amazing and i felt complete.
I have friends, but i will never feel attached for them, like i would for a girls (cause im straight, lol)
I already have an ambition and a specific goal. but even then, i cant get this fucking goal done, cause im so fucking depressed all the time, and even if you dont believe me. And i dont even fap and have been on no fap for like over 3 weeks now. Until i get a girlfriend, i will never even orgasm again in my life, unless wet dream.
>improve yourself and work hard
How do you explain people like Beethoven? He was literally the musical God of the world at the time and worked hard towards his music every day.Yet, he was one depressed sad motherfucker, because he never got married. Are you going to say BEETHOVEN of all people was not passionate enough about his hobbies????

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Idiots, all of them, don’t listen to normies spewing bullshit that never went from zero to hero. I’m in the same situation I was one hell of an autist, still am. Got a good job, way above avg pay for my age, tried to put myself out there, but you know what I don’t like normie activities and it was awkward as fuck, I’m boring as shit, no humor since high school because I became a sad sack, thus no gf. Our fate is to suffer until the bitter end, that’s it. I’m not gonna sugar coat anything, live with it I guess.