Why are holders of this coin so confident?

Why are holders of this coin so confident?

Attached: omg.png (200x200, 5K)

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bc they believe anything positive about it without question but dismiss anything negative as "fud" or "5'1'' migger"

I can give you my perspective if you want.
Most people think that these blockchain projects only have one big obstacle (the tech) and then everything will be ok once they figure it out. The reality is that after the tech is built, the biggest reason for failure is lack of adoption. Adoption is very very hard. It's the number one killer of businesses.
99% of these projects will fail on the tech
99% of the 1% that deliver on the tech will fail on adoption.

OmiseGo has the entire Omise corporation behind it. In the worst case scenario we'll looking at a minimum level of adoption just because of this.

It basically boils down to gambling on the horse that has a higher chance to succeed. Most people gamble only on the tech and forget about adoption. When you take adoption into account, OMG has a higher chance to succeed overall. Sure they could fail to deliver on the tech, but in the grand scheme of things it is better positioned that most other projects in crypto.

because we did our research and have had plenty of time to accumulate
my average cost is zero. I really don't give a fuck about price movements in a bear market.

exactly user. omise has a long list of existing customers and they intend for blockchain to be the backbone of their service.
people buying into shit like req, giving money to randoms to build a service from scratch. omise already offers a very successful one.
another point is that they were not money grabbing with their ico. they refused to raise the cap, it was about distributing tokens and building a foundation for their network. within a handful of months they had received more private funding for the project than they did from their ico.

how much are u guys holding?

I'm all in OMG but do the recent PR fiascos concern anyone? It's legit bottom tier, even in this bear market if they had someone competent running the image side of things the price would be double what it is now.

brb major announcement on april fools day
brb pushing SJW narratives on everyone
brb begging for partners at the most recent event
brb badger dance

Had to check the web address again, wasn’t sure I was in biz. Awesome reply’s

only about 300, I sold a lot last time we hit 200k Satoshi. all I have left is profit from swing trading and scalping

not that much now because I sold a part of my stack a few months ago to gamble on a shitcoin, but it tanked. I'm trapped holding those bags. Still waiting for a pump to buy back in OMG. I want to accumulate at least 1000, but it might take a while.

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is 1000 the min to make it?

>brb badger dance

at leaast vitalik joined in i guess

the most optimistic price predictions put OMG at 700$. I have my doubts it will go that high, but on the other hand I had doubts about ETH reaching 1000$ and BTC going to 20k. Everytime I was pessimistic about crypto, I eventually got BTFO. I still want to KMS cause I stopped mining in 2011.

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The issue is, is there is no legitimate FUD. There are no sources that back up any idiotic claim, I.e Omise doesn’t exist, there’s no proof of any partners, riding on the coat tail of vitalik, etc. it’s all childish drama used to get a reaction out of holders.

Give me one legitimate piece of FUD and I will debunk it

Banks will test anything due to the blockchain hype, but they will never move into production on a solution that requires them to transact on a public ledger. There are too many concerns regarding privacy, scalability (no, 100 tps is not even in the ballpark), and gaining enough adoption to make the network useful. This is why Ripple abandoned their plan to have banks issue assets on the XRP Ledger and trade using the built-in exchange. That was over two years ago.

I just want my fucking money back dude. when is this shit going to $20.

for fucks sake that disgusting stupid ass Jun promised so much this year.

"were going to deliver a big win in 2018 just hodl strong". Yeah well im fucking underwater 50% now. Wheres your big win asshole or was that just moonboy talk when you yourself saw your coin at 25 dollars and felt like a god

ether to 1,000 and btc to 20k are levels we will never see again. it was a complete shock that we reached those since there was literally no reason to.

institutional money already entered the space in oct-nov where they pumped the price to match btc futures and then shorted it, continue to short it, to the ground

>and then shorted it, continue to short it, to the ground
if you can predict the future so well why don't you open some short positions right now?
easy money, amirite?

if you've been in crypto more than a month you should know that everything asians do is super cringe. you seen the vechain videos?

People said the same about BTC after the $1000 to $200 crash. BTC is dead, will never be $1000 ever again, etc.

You have no sense of humor, all those claims are incredibly funny.

no but interested in this. have my doubts anything can top the badger dance

kek'd and checked

Do you go around bumping threads because of dubs you fucking twat

>.10 cents per token per year staking user

Because they read and understood the white paper.

>Give me one legitimate piece of FUD and I will debunk it
That doesn't make sense

Debunk this.


Cause they know Omisego team is profiting from Vitalik who doesn't have any sense of business and doesn't understand how much wealth he is contributing to those useless losers.
Cause they know Vitalik has no friends and is never gonna leave those losers, even if they merely pretend to be enjoying his company.

Found the newfag!

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Same reason why heavens-gate were so confident.

I remember when this shit first took off last year, made a few hundred and it helped me buy a computer. Haven't been in since, instead I stack link and pray for a miracle.

All star dev team, solving macro economic problems with one scaling solution that binds currencies from a decentralized exchange into a universal payment network.