This guy is going to visit your country just to dab at your people and culture, what you do?

This guy is going to visit your country just to dab at your people and culture, what you do?

Attached: swrqaGaCpCWDBjR-800x450-noPad.jpg (507x285, 35K)

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chad gaijin vs virgin nihonjin

be slightly irritated when he keeps popping up on social media and people keep talking about him

We don't have a people or a culture.

Japan has no people or culture.
Just insects and anime.

he would probably get dabbed on by confused immigrants.

Guide him into the woods, then hang him from a tree

Frame him for drug trafficking and sentenced to execution in a decade

Lure him into a Samogitian swamp, then drown that fucker. throw some spears at him as well