>First worlders like me suffer so much! I wish I lived in the 3rd world even though I never experienced living there ever!!!!$1
First worlders like me suffer so much! I wish I lived in the 3rd world even though I never experienced living there...
For Jow Forumss next 4cc we should submit >I suffer in the first world with a soyjack face as one of the players
>I wish I lived in the 3rd world
nobody says this
I hate Singapore, a small country proud of its literal who heritage thinking what it achieved is something to be proud of when its a literal city state, smaller than many cities in my cunt, and if tey were city states I bet they would be 1st wprld by now
The literal who chinks in singashit are racist and obnoxious
you're wrong
Except delusional firsties
firsties whities do
Feels good living in the first world, earning almost 3000€ per month in a job without any education
>smaller than many cities in my cunt
Thing is Singapore's economy is as large as the entire Philippines.
The closest we have is Metro Manila, which has a GDP per capita 3 times the average so it's more 2nd World although Makati alone is probably 1st World under that metric.
objectively, you can only suffer if you've experienced prolonged physical pain
Singapore's country is much smaller, and Manila pays for other poor provinces.
If Davao or Makati were to keep their money to themselves, amd properly a tourist and business centers in their own right they would be 1st world no problem.
>16 times more population than Singapore, less gdp than Singapore
I can not even imagine how poor the Philippines is.
Assassinate the dictator. Then you can be at least a second world.
>duterte kills druggie
>brown man bad!!!!!! and every news outlet reports this
>duterte turns a murder capital of Asia into one of the best cities in the country in quality of life
>protects LGBT rights, passes universal healthcare
>cleaning up the environment
>still respecting basic demcracy
>ignored by western (((media))) because BROWN MAN BAD!!!
OP is right, never come to Brazil. You will be robbed or killed, it's the worst place in the world. Also, we're full.
Didn't you get rich under an actual dictator?
If the dictator is capable, it is okay. But the Philippines is not.
Duterte is a 2 decade mayor that, when he entered in the 80s, ran a city filled with commie rebels with wild wild west tier violence and weak government. It was dubbed the "Killing Fields of Asia" in 1987 by Newsweek.
He turned that shithole into one of the more progressive, metropolis in our country despite its size and one of the best cities in terms of quality of life. They have a efficient police force, a working emergency response system, crime is low there with a 2M population, a great achievement for a 3rd world nation.
Duterte isn't a bad leader. The west media just paints him like he's a lunatic.
Ouch, very true
Hard to believe this place was once one of the richest countries and Asia. Possibly the richest under Spain before Japan opened up.
Still the Philippines has never been competitive with exports no matter who was in charge and it never grew close to 10% at any period.
It grew double digits a bunch of times, year on year.
The Philippines was always a unique country because it had all the qualities to be a 1st world country in the 50s and 60s, and it never happened.
those are just hippies. They usually have money. Of course traveling in the third world and pretending to work can be comfy. The point is nobody wants to live and work there like the locals they just want cheap stuff & no work
but I have experienced living in Turkey and it's better than England
That was due to recovery from WW2, Manila was almost completely destroyed.
All the industries we had was for the purpose of substituting imports to bypass the heavy tariffs not generating exports like the Asian Tigers. The peso was too overvalued back pegged at 2:1 USD. Even when it depreciated it wasn't enough to be competitive with Thailand, which was where the Japanese moved their production due to the sharp appreciation of the yen following the Plaza Accord.
They always bitching over bullshit, just look at this board
It grew a few times double digits during the 2010s, and in the 90s iirc.
We were always into service, not into manufacturing
>Protects LGBT rights
Thanks I hate him now. Also tell me aunt and uncle living there I miss them, hopefully he didn’t execute them because they’re in an interracial relationship.
Medical marijuana is legal also methamphetamine is by far the most common illicit drug used.
I guess drugs are perfectly safe in British Columbia. It's not like people are increasingly dying due to overdosing. Oh wait!
Did you account for inflation?
There's a difference between "real" GDP growth and raw figures
They fucking do on Jow Forums.