Be me

>be me
>fluent in english
>write and understand with no problems on the internet
>go outside
>meet tourists who ask me for directions
>aaaa ye ye gou ouver der streit den turn left, you see big street and go go go

anyone else like this?

Attached: 1407876786505.jpg (300x499, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no, i mastered phonetics and speak perfect hamburgerican english t: phonetics master

yes, I am shit at speaking.
On the internet nobody knows you're a non-anglophone.

Let me guess, you also suck at speaking your own language? Like, you are fluent but not a smooth talker.

I'm the best orator in the country

Yes. I'm not a talkative person so my insecurities when speaking german get ampliefied tenfold when trying to speak english.

This is required to be posted in every Speaking English thread.

How did you do that?

I speak without an accent when I play and stream video games so people don’t know I’m Indian. But whenever a foreigner asks me for instructions, I answer with the accent to not ruin their sense of immersion.

all the time, but 90% of my english speaking is done with people like you so it doesnt matter.

Based bhanchod

No worries, it improves as soon as you're exposed to direct communication for a while, at least in my case

kek, i do the same


Attached: 26b.png (680x608, 95K)

what a legend kek

Cut to 7:42

Attached: a_ov_Pepe_160928.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

My biggest difficulty is how many dialects there are.. you go to America, and you hear some nice, clear American English, then you hear Southern English, Nigger English, bad Asian ching-chang-chong English, Slav English, Lazy Mumbled English, etc.
it can be hard to understand people, although in my experience, women speak nice and clearly, while men tend to mumble words or use thick unintelligble dialects

those landings

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I speak like a Scouser


You Finns sound like the Bail Bondsman.

Attached: afc1ic.jpg (768x1024, 44K)

What is bail bondsman

What the hell do you think is "clear"?

Prank call personality.

Search on YouTube.

I used to speak American English fluently and then I watched Snatch and somehow picked up the cockney accent and I can't get rid of it
what do

Attached: 1529635708286.png (657x527, 51K)

vocaroo plz
t. actual scouser

yes, all finns sound exactly the same ya brainless wh*te simp. ya just finna jealous of my mastery of phonetics.