Piece of shit

Fucking piece of shit keep on bleeding , who else justed by buying this?

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It is pumping you dumbass
Huobi is gonna list it...

whole market is getting justed and bleeding

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The absolute state of deluded salty waltys

Even with the market bleeding, WTC being one of the few green and he is complaining baka

It is gonna be listed there. It's a fucking fact, how is it that being deluded, facking idiots

+5% ... it’s pumping fucking brainlet

I'm literally giving you free information... Sometimes people are too dumb to understand


Not saying where. Watch the volume spike, that's all from me, you already got too much info for free while being an asshole

OP got hustled.

HAHAHA Venlets trying to fud Walton after their shitcoin keeps getting hammered.

The rumour is true!

WTC the next unicorn


Fucking salty walties all coming here to defend their coin. Don’t you know what getting justed is , -50% this mk t

WTC is legit project, it deserves vens spot in the Ranking and it will get it

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Literally the only "FUD" you desperate vencucks can come up with. And even that wasnt a scam but free give away haha. Youre getting rekt by your worst enemy now

this just shows how retarded you cryptokiddies really are with your tribalism
you all use it as a protection mechanism from stuff like pic related to reinforce your delusions

1500+ cryptos and another popped bubble
i'm not the one getting rekt user

Who cares about tribalism or how these retards are sentimental towards a project, this shit is gonna pump regardless, it's an easy swing...

I've visited their offices. I've seen their tech. I've seen their education center where they're literally teaching 100 people at a time how to build blockchain shit so they can recruit them, and the fucking Korean Government is backing it. Huobi is just the start. Walton is waking up. Don't listen to the retards trying to get you buy VEN or dismiss it because of the twitter shit. They've got 300 employees and they're always growing/acquiring partnerships. This is going to be a fucking rocket.

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>arguing with vechain
>not realizing both of these coins are shit


no it's going to die like 99% of the rest of shitcoins
history always repeats
humans never change

WTC is not a shitcoin though

says anyone about a coin who favors said coin
textbook delusional bias

This is what adoption looks like. 9-5ers integrating blockchain into their boring business apps in their cubicle farms.
WTC is a spaceship. I have GMN and have never waivered.

blockchain is the future
and its name



Many coins will survive and then will talk to each other through things like chainlink and aion.
Sorry if you can't see it but it's your blindness, not mine.

And I thought the others were sentimental... What a retarded argument... Can I have your crystal ball? Since you know what projects will survive and what projects aren't. To be honest, couldn't care less about Waltonchain surviving, all I care is about swing trading the listing pump. People who say hold is the best strategy are bad traders and the number one mistake is being attached to a certain investment, like this case. This shit isn't a x vs y, the free market will dictate if the project will survive or not, having competition is actually great but most people think this is a fucking football match

Shoo shoo Waltoncuck pajeets.

Chadsetti and the AMBGANG are the only legitimate supply chain project in town.

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i've been around long enough to know differently

>but my coin is different!
history repeats
humans never change

tell me which coins survived the last btc bubble
there's your crystal ball user

as of 2017 only 6 coins of the top 55 had been existed before 2014 crash and by that point over 400 alts had already died

>but my coin is different!

swing trading in a purely manipulated market is fucking stupid user grow up

Who the fuck cares about the price? You are not supposed to use it as a speculative currency. You are supposed to use it for its intended use case.

You people are all morons, holy shit. You call Walton shit when all you do is to but it to find a greater fool who buys your bags.

If you don't use it for its intended use case, then kindly fuck off.

I hope it dies together with ven.
I hate you chink shills so much.

China hustled

Thanks round eyes for your contributions to communism consider funds redistributed

VEN and WALTON China Hustle MasterNodes 2-for-1 special by end of year

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