When you reply to a russian flag, remember that you're replying to THIS
When you reply to a russian flag, remember that you're replying to THIS
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Wtf i love russia now
I wish I was handsome
I may be ugly but at least I can afford a fucking lcd monitor with my parent's money
do you think he'd suck me off in exchange for a LCD monitor?
I don't know but if you find out let me know
He's not average looking
hey cutie, wanna chat?
a LCD isn't the only D you'll be getting from me ;)
She cute
>tfw ywn
Whats up with russian and their high standards? no wonder it makes neighbours likeSEETH
That pic is in school
does he have a boyfriend
Don't worry, being a part of the world's 1% is not easy
all slavic countries are the same except for beautiful Poccия!
not really
Oh god I wish I could pound his boipucci
Proof that you dont need a strong jaw to be good looking.
Uwu such a qt.
Wtf in always replying to Russia now
Damn how are all of those guys so cute
Do Russians really look like this?
whats her insta?
>he’s straight
russian boys are underrated
Why are hot guys always fucking straight?
>Do Russians really look like this?
No they don't.
Because they don't have problems with women and they don't have to turn gay to get laid.
Do Ukrainians really look like this?
ecks dee
Like those two roastie drug addicts on the left? Yes, yes they do.
God I want to kiss him right on the lips
How can I get a cute smooth Russian twink bf?
I would, but keep the monitor
Come to Russia.
Do homos like this get beaten up on the streets in russia?
I've talked to this cutie awhile ago. He lives in Milan now, but he's originally from Russia. We stopped talking but I kinda miss him
When you reply to a belgian flag, remember that you're replying to THIS
post moar
why am i so bad with women then
I think this is all I have of him, don't think he posts anymore
Talk to him again
No it's over and I am glad it is, but I do like to think back and remember the great talks that we had
Who is he anyway?
This image is art
Are you a boy You're cute? I want to be active, will it suit you?
What do you think of it?
I'm no model, Jow Forums has called me a butterface before, and I only top but I enjoy giving head :^)
May I join you frens?
If you're a cute smooth Russian twink who wants to be my bf
Are you a faggot?
I'm calling Ramzan on you, fucking gay cunt
Typical pidorsburg dweller.
No, I'm Bavaryan.
You know what Hitler did with faggots?
Before or after he blew his brains out after a single day of marriage?
After he flew to the secret base of the Third Reich on the far side of the moon.
I've seen a porno that starts just like that.
The rocket was shaped like a penis.
I like penis.
And then he started larping on the internet
>will never have godlike powers so I can turn all guys into perfect twinks
>the average Russian poster
>Average Russian poster
>Average Prussian roaster
I fucking wish that were me
Except this is u
I wish I was born a good looking guy.
But I was born an average ugly rounded headed potato nosed slav so I guess Fate just decided to free me from bother in trying to settle for a good looking partner as well as any romance.
Milan where ... I need to know ... Pls be in Fiera
Not sure, but he often goes to Starbucks Reserve.
M1 and I can be there in 10 minutes :3
Seriously, he spends like half of his spare time there, you can probably catch him there after school at least three times a week.
you can always turn to slavery
My smooth Russian twink pet slave would still have to be cute tho
Looks like a girl
you will be his slave
russian bear man extends your anal widht by the double
I don't want a bear, I want a cute smooth Russian twink bf
He's an user from nederdraad who people meme about
I think he might still post but he sure doesn't post any more images
the bear cares not for the opinion of slaves
AAAAAAAAAH I'm a slavic girl so I deserve a slavic boyfriend.
Where can one find cute boys?
The internet.
thank you for the info ;3
Bump for slavic bf.
Why did i have to be born in germany.
why slavic
They are cute and smooth, see:
only them? what about for example
Is that you?
yes, but i wasnt the one who posted it
a friend of mine told me someone had posted pics of me so here i am
Because i dig that whole protective attitude they have towards women.
You are cute too.