My ancestors :)

My ancestors :)

Attached: Germanic_Groups_ca._0CE.jpg (756x600, 181K)

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Hol up, so the Polish are dirty germ*nics?

>tfw you will never have a Germanic ancestor

My ancestors :)

Attached: Suebic_migrations.jpg (800x650, 125K)

Mein germanischer Bruder

This kills the Pole.

Attached: mpv1zvbjcg2z.png (2067x1552, 1.19M)

This kills the sharter.

Attached: this kills your fantasies.jpg (919x590, 128K)

Your ancestors are actually Goths from Gotland my brother

based Goths, destroyers of southrons and hunnoids

Attached: Theodoric_I_by_Fabrizio_Castello_1560_1617.jpg (1469x1277, 454K)

We Goths have to rise again and destroy germanoids and other scum of the earth