One race. The human race

One race. The human race.

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shut up flanders


i actually think there's only one race

without niggers and sandniggers sure

One species, several races.

One species, and infinite amount of races.

British/polish is racemixing in some people's eyes.

formerly one race

One breed. The dog breed.

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>Oh no, the dark ones are bad, look at this infograph i found on Jow Forums

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There's one race though. White, Black, Yellow, NAtives are clines.

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ecotype to be precise but yeah

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this is wrong, negroids have admixture from some unknown primitive hominid, asians have denisovan admixture, whites have neanderthal admixture etc

race is a term used to classify domesticated animals that have been bred artificially by humans

One Race. The Teutonic Race.

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If that were the case there wouldn't exist different medical treatments/medications prescribed to people of different ethnic backgrounds/races.


There are several different human species.

do people actually think that hungarians are turks?

They *were* mongol. The modern hungarin people are the mutts of europe, they're slav, west euros, south slavs all in one. They are not the heir to the hunnic empire

i thought this was just anti-hungarian propaganda by slavs, i heard they did some nacestry test on old kings and graves from the 10th century and they found that most hungarians were white

huns weren't mongoloid, they were blond haired and blue eyed europids just like scythians and cumans

What is the specie then?