I am greek you subhuman

>I am greek you subhuman

how do you respond?

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Can't judge anyone if I'm a sad degenerate myself.

>Go back to Turkey, my Greek brothers are white!


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a mentally ill lazistani from turkey told me i'm not
gotta be true

Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life

tell him to pay debts

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