Why are they so angry? I always thought I was a bitter and jaded person until I saw Pole get angry

Why are they so angry? I always thought I was a bitter and jaded person until I saw Pole get angry.

Attached: IMG_9107.png (255x159, 542)

Low IQ and low impulse control. Many such cases!


eternally butthurt because of germany and russia

>Polish anything

Attached: 1343520220001.png (390x470, 18K)

Go clean my toilet Sasha.

Mach meine Toilette sauber, Pawel

I can't, some sandnigger you invited occupies it currently banging your wife Hans.

>piss on everyone around

oh look, they are crying on us


t. Xoxol

>only one
I'm not sure if that's how m*slims work

They were fucked over by all of Europe for hundreds of years. They are the punching bags of Europe that were never given a chance to thrive until now

>Country whose history goes back to early Medieval
>Gets repeatedly invaded either by Germans, Russians or some obscure Turk tribes.
>All their technology was essentially imported from Germany
>Were forcefully christianized without having a choice
>Has a long history of literature, art and science which gets completely ignored in the west.
>Their language is cumbersome, difficult to learn and just sounds silly.

This describes pretty much every christian country between Russia and Germany

I should have noted that these are the reasons why not only Poles but also Hungarians, Romanians and Serbs fall so easily prey to nationalism and nationalism induced rage.

>be poland
>get buttraped for hundreds of years
>now you dont trust anyone

Attached: cat.png (575x523, 443K)

>Has a long history of literature, art and science
>every christian country between Russia and Germany
Name one apart from Poles and Czech.

>Has a long history of literature, art and science

t. dumb Pole in Switzerland

It's really not difficult to find examples in the case of Hungary, northern Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Vojvodina) or Romania. I'm not here to google for you.

Attached: IMG_20181204_010114_261.jpg (604x604, 96K)

I should have also included Bulgaria whose literary tradition goes back to the 7th century which is significantly earlier than any german literature. This of course only includes what was not written in Greek or Latin altogether which was also the common lingua franca in this area.

Hungarians, Croats (Tesla), Bulgarians

>Polish literature is a thing

How many literature noble prizes have germans won without a country?

What are you mumbling about, mate?

Paszol na hui, cyka, debil ebany

>It's really not difficult to find examples
>but I'm not going to provide any
Thanks for playing, retard.