The Germans might not always be the bad guys in war, but have they ever been the good guys?

The Germans might not always be the bad guys in war, but have they ever been the good guys?

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Other urls found in this thread:äger_Movement

Yes. Literally the whole time. Enjoy being a jewish slave forever now.

>good guy
German humor at its finest.

In the 7 Years War the Prussians were the good guys.

Woah there Hans. Don’t let Merkel find out you were being antisemetic online

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This. Also Franco-Prussian war

apart from america, they were the only good guys in the first world war

I don't get it. Are you attacking him for being a nazi or for not being a nazi?

kek imagine giving up your individual freedoms because muh ebil jews

Do pre-unification wars even count or no?

They were the biggest factor for Finland to stop the Russian genocide attempt and gain independence.äger_Movement

They also were right with the Energy change. UHVDC lines are going to make viable. They are going to set Euros fee too in the next 15 years if Russia isn't able to destroy EU before.

Also in WW2 they were a better option over the Russians.

>we had to bomb those women and children to end the war sooner woot terrorism

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Only the USA wants to destroy the EU.
Everytime they fought against England.

why do you feel such hostility to my country? I'm not the one your country is in a row with over housing refugees

Fuck anglos

>Bombs the middle east
>Start wars there
>Sandniggers can claim now they are le refugees of war
>Claim it's Russia doing it
>Retarded leftists fell for it

your refugees are not from areas where we have been in conflict, so your argument on its face is incorrect. you use my country as a crutch to pass over culpability for your own problems

you could just refuse them

>Only the USA wants to destroy the EU.
why do continentaltards keep saying this?
washington has always been aggressively pro-eu, more pro-eu than almost any country in europe

this, we want them to fix their shit so we can go back home

that's not exactly the sentiment you idiot