The FUCK is going on?!

Is this ever going back up? Will I make it with my 130 EOS? I'm scared...

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just relax, 130 is nothing anyway

it will rebound for a moment from $2 to $3 in few weeks.

EOS is full of bugs vaporwave shit and expensive like hell. Just look how much cost ram for all dapps. Dump it while you can and jump in tezos

$7 is the bottom you brainlets.. maybe $6.90. does it really fucking matter when its $1k+ in a few years

Probably not. The whole EOS launch is a complete mess.

Nobody wants to build on a centralized buggy piece of shit like Eos.

ethereum, waves, neo and tezos will be last ones smart contract platforms


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Lol this is such a shit coin.

Tezos, dfinity are both legitimate tries. This was just hype and a money grab.

Is anyone building apps on EOS?

Yeah, everipedia, horuspay, block one is building one, and the other 6 airdrops you got

Yeah there are 70 dApps being worked on right now. Use google you fucking ingrate.

Fuck this thread you all are retarded.

EOS is pure shit. Who holds this garbage for long term? There will be nothing of value built on this platform. lol

The team blew their collective load on mainnet. They paid exchanges to wash trade the shit out of it for a few weeks to generate fomo, they dumped their massive ICO eth holdings that entire time (go look at wallet movements to exchanges every week for over 40k eth a time) and they paid people to shill it here and everywhere else that time.

It pumped 50 fucking percent in 5 weeks. but then they absolutely botched the realease. they blew their load. its over now. unless they can salvage it and have dapps running its over.

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Fucking lies. Outside of the Reddit circle jerk there are people actually developing on the platform and people actually buying.

It's a fucking enterprise dapp platform. It has said that on the website and reddit for half a year so holding it up to anything other then what it claims to be is stupid.

sell now or wait until it hits $1 for true despair

Erc20 shitcoin scam lol

fuck my DICK

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Dapps are stupid. I'm now convinced it's just a token scam word to lure in retards who can't research or reason. Get fucked EOSidiots. Muh ETH killer! Lol yea right

Heres your problem

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It's been 4 weeks! Go get an attention span.