Say something nice about this qt indonesian grill (male)
Say something nice about this qt indonesian grill (male)
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uh, don't those get stoned to death in Indonesia?
>qt indonesian grill (male)
No, silly. Where'd you get that idea?
Is she muslim
wish i could get stoned to death desu
my ancestors :)
I'd fuck her
Made for the Istro-Romanian Med BVLL.
you're an indo?
Kill yourself faggot
I miss my Indo gf :(
Cringed and bluepilled.
We're getting more LGBT- friendly by the day here in Indonesia :3
A presidential candidate even has a gay son :O
Isnt this some Jkt48 girl?
which ethnicity?
She's a female (pure) faggot.
No one likes banci though. Girl (male) is not banci.
I would let her massage my gspot(male) with her slender and elegant feminine member. I would then pleasure her tumescent boycl*t with my hands and mouth until she squirted. Afterwards, I’d use her love nectar as lubricant, prop her ankles on my shoulders, and slowly enter her as she (he) flutterred her eyelids and shuddered deeply.
What's wrong with her eyes
She is Beby chaesara anadila, proxyfag chinkgerman user
based schizoposter
yes and from Islamic weeb sect that follow anime teaching
She is NOT a tranny!
look like Shitao miu
based but bluepilled
she's asian
I knew you nigger is a faggot with german proxy
Damn Indonesian boys look like that
doubt it, that delusional hans from /asean/ is convinced that a sund*l thot like her is pure kek
nice try faggot, fuck off
Less talkie talkie and more pics
this is the power of the SEA male...
proxyfaggot detected
HEY that's my waifu
she is only mine! DELETE THIS THRAED
has there been any indo traps that have cosplayed as astolfo / felix or other trap characters?
you really are both annoying and stupid.
you are not funny or interesting, fuck off proxynigger