Why are Americans so angry?
Why are Americans so angry?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit education and blind nationalism
This also
high test
Lead in the water supply.
because we need to btfo the libtard cuck beta soyboys
>because we need to btfo the libtard cuck beta soyboys
commie libcuck faggot
>commie libcuck faggot
>commie libcuck faggot
t. low t beta male flaming soyboy libtard communist helicopter ride tankie chapo soyboy
>t. low t beta male flaming soyboy libtard communist helicopter ride tankie chapo soyboy
A lot of them come in breeds like what you just posted. Not sure what the root of it is, but they act like actual orcs and have the IQ of them to boot.
circumcision trauma
You would be too if you were cut
Also, Sc*t-Ir*sh influence
>Why are americans so angry?
>someone posts obvious bait
>3 americans get mad about it in 30 seconds
>inb4 another american replies to this post
god i hate white americans
Thankfully they will be gone in a couple years
Unironically spend a lot of time wondering about this
I'm basing this off of anecdotal interactions with boomer relatives and coworkers. My theory is a good chunk bought into "the American Dream" meme fully, but obviously spending your whole life working for some shitty company so you can have a big house and a boat while being emotionally cut off/told to compete with your neighbors is emotionally isolating and unfulfilling. So they're confused they've achieved what should be the American ideal but they're still unhappy and confused and don't have the introspectional capacity to correctly direct their dissatisfaction at the correct sources
Why do they do this, seriously asking.
we see our country fading away
our politicians aren't listening to us
lots of racial groups who don't like each other are in close proximity
What is happening here?
Why aren't you?
You guys are intimidated by nationalists? You think they're crazy scary people?
>You guys are intimidated by nationalists
>You think they're crazy
> scary people
All Vietnamese are nationalists. The problem with white countries is they're not allowed to express nationalism in a healthy way and repression leads to anger and violence.
Also we've got a ton on hyper-masculine media selling this idea of the badass American (ex. Clint Eastwood & Bruce Willis types) so you get a lot of try-hard badasses living in a country that has almost never had to deal with any real wide-spread violence besides when spurgs go on gun sprees, which while horrific and largely an American feature are still extremely rare per capita