How does murricans eat this thing? It's peanut butter if you dont speak spanish

How does murricans eat this thing? It's peanut butter if you dont speak spanish.

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yeah im not big on peanut butter. I don't hate it, but I dont get how people can love it to the point of getting obese from it

I love peanut butter

Specifically this one, and by the spoon full, its my go to late night snack

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It's tasty, what's your problem?

Caca....something something it’s brown too = peanut butter.
Oh no no no no.

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the thought of eating a straight up spoonful of peanut butter makes me shudder

I used to eat several jars of peanut butter as a kid
Tasted yummy

I always eat it straight from the jar too

*hold my beer*

I don't really understand peanut butter. It's just taste like peanuts, what's the fucking point? I like nutella, because it's taste is pretty unique, even though it's clearly nuts and chocolate.

it's more sugar and palm oil than nuts and chocolates

Nut taste is pretty definable.

Nutella is way too sweet, gross

I use it as a sauce for noodles

apply on bread. or dip your favorite fruit in it, especially sour apples

Dries you out real fast actually. Can't do it sustainably like ice cream.

We are used to sweet things, because of cold weather and bigger calorie intake.

This, I was very disappointed the first time I tried peanut butter.

>all those MURIKA movies about eating peanut butter
>expect it to taste incredible
>tastes exactly like pulverized peanuts

It's one of those things that lower your opinion of a country. Peanut butter and cop getting away with murder.

its a wierd taste
i guess its one of those overwhelming flavor things, like mac n cheese, that only anglo subhumans can do

it works very well as a condiment, but some like to lazily eat the stuff with a spoon. It's the perfect midnight snack

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Did you try Skippy? some of those generic brands can taste pretty horrible.

we also say cacahuete, what's the problem

>bud light

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Probably perro CACA.

you eat it with your mouth

Made me laugh thanks Oz. That guy is a fruit

here it's cacahuate

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Jimmy Carter

true true
peanut butter and jam was a big disappointment

It's jelly. You don't use jam

it's good

It'd bud light platinum guzzers

You know what's the difference between jam and jelly?

>current year
>eating jarred peanut butter instead of fresh ground peanut butter which is both healthier and cheaper

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It's honey. You don't use jelly.

I love peanut butter what are you on about

Peanut butter is a great way to get calories.

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Why do American eat crema de caca?

real answer:

1. you put it on toast together with jam to get a mix on sweet and salty
2. you a spoon full of it into a whey shake or other kind of shake to gain weight faster
3. an ingredient in cookies

crema de caca
una delicia

its addictive
i tried it once on bread alone and it didnt go well, so i tried drinking milk with it and it was superb
then i started eating it every morning before work, i dont really feel like eating anything early in the morning but peanut butter with milk goes great, coffee after it tastes far better
i stopped buying it for unknown reason so i stopped eating it
i can see why they would gorge on it, they are americans after all

because it's dope

based spanish


callete españa lo que vos digas ahora sea irrelevante

Hate peanut butter. Its too sticky and tires out my tongue trying to get it out of my gums and it doesn't taste good enough for all that effort.


It's pretty good with fruit jam on a toast

you can't spread peanuts though