TL;DR really want to move country

hey guys i really need to plan an escape from my country the heat and the horrible latency (bad internet) is making me depressed... i'm basically planning to be an internet refugee (minus the disrespect of local culture part). what would be the best country to move to? i was thinking Canada as they have some minimal support for permanent residents until they become citizens i think, but i'm not too fussy about the country or culture, all i want is to have cold weather most of the time and i guess should be in either north America or Europe (hell id even live in war torn Ukraine). i don't need the speech about being lonely as i don't really like to talk or meet with people anyway. anyway guys please give me some hope I've been thinking about this non stop for a week and if i could get some personal experiences from you that would be great.

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Romania is cheap and has fast internet

Yeah Canadas a good place. But France has really good property pricing, but it does get a bit warm in the summer.

i'll probably only ever be able to rent but i'll keep that in mind

btw you might long for coldness and winter now that you spent your entire life in Australia but once you experience a few months of cold and dark winter I'm pretty sure you'll look forward to the summer again

yes i've heard of Romanians great internet wonder if rents cheap tho, ill have to check

try a few days of 30+ degrees and you'll appreciate the cold like i do, my European body cant stand it lol

I mean that can go both ways. It's warm today here at a balmy -23c, and tonight it's supposed to only get down to -35c. That's actually pretty warm weather for this area. We're also only a couple inches of snow away from breaking our city's record in it's entire existence which is 89 inches of snow. Were estimated to get at least another 18 inches of snow this month which would bring us to a total 105 inches.

it was like 50 degrees in australia this summer for them. australia is a lethal shithole tbqhwy

t. knower
a lot of germans in sydney though

weird where supposed to have the hottest summer on record. lots of weird weather....

yeah its pretty bad. wouldn't say 50 but more like 45

Hope you hold out man. I agree that cold is much better to deal with than hot especially if you have nice winter gear or if you just shut yourself in with a nice hot drink and a sweatshirt. I definitely wouldn't be able to handle an Australian summer.

true, that's why i really want to leave lol and thanks for the concern

also anyone with personal experience moving country? what am i installed for i honestly know very little from reading stuff online about it

I couldn't tell you about the more temperate places in Europe but if for some reason you ended up moving to the US I would suggest somewhere like Washington or Oregon. They get cold but they rarely get down to the temperatures like we have where I'm at.

People ony like hot shitholes because they are bombarded by ads.

cold like that sounds heavenly right now. is it affordable tho?

>oh man I sure do suffer in first world so much! I should move to third world, that'll totally solve my problems! Where do I apply for my regular $2000 NEETbux in Ukraine btw???

Go to NZ

no they have the same latency issues as we do

third wold country's have better internet then we do and that's all i care about in this world to be honest

Washington and Oreogn can be fairly pricey but they have a higher minimum wage so you can usually find a job that will pay the bills just fine. In my area it's much cheaper but minimum wage is 7.25 so a lot of jobs even above minimum wage aren't really paying a living wage. If you have experience or a decent degree you should be able to land a decent job anywhere.

You should move to Chile or Argentina, they have good weather and chilly beaches to relax. U.S is good as well, American dream n stuff (I personally don't like it), Russia is solid, they're just easy to hang out with I think... since you're a white caucasian. Other than that, France, Germany, Italia or the U.K, they all have pros and cons. I don't like the U.K myself, Germany is quite rich in history and beautiful cities, France is relaxing (if you don't want to climb too high with your money and power). Italy is a shithole with many UNESCO sites and deep rooted culture, I fucking hate them though.

Fuck off to Jow Forums.

thanks for that user, that's giving me a lot of hope


No problem. Hope wherever you choose in the world works out for you.

thanks again man

France or Romania seem like nice options any personal experience with them that can be shared like pros and cons?

Are you white? Are you a bitch or gay? If gay, then come to us.

nah straight and white. what part of Russia you think?

I live in Taganrog, a very quiet and peaceful city near the sea (not very clean). The Internet here is fast only in multi-apartment complexes or if you put money on a very long fiber-optic cable, I live in the historical center and have ADSL, so 5bm / s is my maximum (my maximum download speed is 668.1 Kb / s). I have been to Rostov many times, a noisy city, arrogant drivers, sullen people, little vegetation and the smell of gasoline, I imagine that Moscow is only on a large scale.
This is all I know about Russia.

well i said i wasn't too fussed about the people or culture and having a small apartment with nice internet sounds great to me and it goes without saying its cold i'm sure. I'll have to see what the requirements for citizenship are i have a feeling it might be strict

the wars a bit close to were you are though see any action?

Your shitpost start to get worse everydays.
Keep it to yourself sometimes.

no i am serious i actually just want to live as a neet. not interested in starting a family or whatever and considering how hard it is to immigrate to another country without big bucks i cant really be too fussy maybe that Russian option was a stretch though compared to other places i could go

Here in summer the temperature rarely drops below 25c, in summer, the stable can hold from 30c to 3538c, was the year when some days it was 40c. Winter might be rain instead of snow.
Lol, no. Civil war in Ukraine? The Russian-Ukrainian border is at least 30km from here, but even in the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics people live and they have the Internet, they so communicate on the Internet as if they have no war, which is contrary to the media.

i mean i would have to get a job but i want the neet lifestyle

thanks for the info i won't rule Russia out as an option. one more thing you think Russians would give me a hard time for any reason?

You will not survive in Russia, here you will not have enough unemployment benefits even to pay for housing. Are you a good programmer?

no though I'd like to be one day. but yeah i see your point about employment

>hard time
Nobody speaks English here. Even i.

well i would have to learn some basic Russian i guess and would be willing if i felt committed enough but yeah I'm not sure at this stage

I don't mean to reply you, I reply to the Vietnam poster who keep spamming he hate Italy in every thread...
Otherwise in my personal, just work in first world countries, have lots of money and travel to the random safe third world, you can have an easy life.

Otherwise, I see a lot of Foreigner like Russian or Angloman live in Vietnam forever, Russian mining something I don't know while Angloman just being an English teacher.
Ambitious families often pays a shit ton of money for a foreign to teach their child language at home or at school.

yes Ive heard of the English teacher route pays well in a lot of country's that's true

You probably not interest in Vietnam anyway but your welcome.

It is a very good idea to work as an English teacher in a country from which specialists massively flee as soon as they understand that they are kept as slaves at home, and behind the fence they will be able to regularly go to resorts for money from the same work.

thanks man