ask her what wyd means
the bogs must surely realise that the longer the bear market goes on, the less overall power they will have
if they liquidate everyone, they would have killed their golden goose
bull market soon to haul in new normiefag suckers
what's wrong with his hands? he some kind of super mario?
Sauce me
>trap runs away frightened
user, you must log into our bitmex account and short at 6700 tonight at 13:00 PST with 100x leverage at 12,600,000
this version is better
Kick the tranny out and answer the call, user
answer the tranny and Kick the call, user
Checkmate bigots
Did Google assume their gender?
Holy shit, you cannot hang up
An option only for the Borgs
you can reject the call with a message
>pump it
I'm gonna need a SAUCE on that girl asap
His name is Bob
shes from reffit
reddit real life aheagou
Shes not even hot, I’m picking up the phone and calling the police to get this ugly chick out of my house. Then i’d call bogs back
>no penis
let bog tell me to dump it