Refugees in Morocco wanted to enter a Portuguese truck and enter Europe

>refugees in Morocco wanted to enter a Portuguese truck and enter Europe.
They got their asses kicked

Attached: 1551464238576.jpg (760x752, 70K)

racist. take your shit back to pol


go back to Jow Forumseddit nigger apologist

based and redpilled, should have killed them all too. n*n-whites dont deserve to live on the same planet as us

why the fuck does the police vest have arabic writing?
I know this is a common thing in the likes of Sweden, Germany, France, UK and Belgium but portugal?

Attached: 88989.png (570x200, 142K)

>I know this is a common thing in the likes of Sweden
I have never seen such a thing.

Isto é em portugal cntinental? Parece médio oriente crlh.

oh nvm, this is morroco

isnt it common for Swedish train stations to have arabic subtitles and sht?


Moroccan police you fool