>refugees in Morocco wanted to enter a Portuguese truck and enter Europe.
They got their asses kicked
Refugees in Morocco wanted to enter a Portuguese truck and enter Europe
Angel Cox
Cooper Nelson
racist. take your shit back to pol
Anthony Rivera
James White
go back to Jow Forumseddit nigger apologist
based and redpilled, should have killed them all too. n*n-whites dont deserve to live on the same planet as us
Brayden Sanders
why the fuck does the police vest have arabic writing?
I know this is a common thing in the likes of Sweden, Germany, France, UK and Belgium but portugal?
Zachary Mitchell
>I know this is a common thing in the likes of Sweden
I have never seen such a thing.
Jordan Bennett
Isto é em portugal cntinental? Parece médio oriente crlh.
John Reed
oh nvm, this is morroco
isnt it common for Swedish train stations to have arabic subtitles and sht?
Liam Nelson
Ethan Watson
Moroccan police you fool