>Visit france
>little girl asks me to sign a piece of paper
>ask her what it's for
>says unintelligible things
>say no thank you, walk away
>wallet is gone
yea that's the last time im visiting
>Visit france
>little girl asks me to sign a piece of paper
>ask her what it's for
>says unintelligible things
>say no thank you, walk away
>wallet is gone
yea that's the last time im visiting
you just got owned
deserved it (although im 90% sure it never happened), tourist tax;)
who still gets duped by this old dusty gypsie trick lmao ????? added to that it's a little girl, you're really a moron consider killing yourself
>t. thief
seriously why does anyone go to france anymore. it's infested by criminals more than before. france lost 100% of its charm in may 1968.
Burger is mad because he was robbed without getting shot.
why didn't you shoot her?
Prabably gypsy
>falling for that shit
deserved it
>it's another amerifat basing his opinion of a large and varied country from a few tourist traps in Paris episode
>Americans discovering gypsies
Truly beautiful
>yuropoors get mugged so often they know what a gypsy trick is
color me surprised
Nobody gets mugged because we're not dumber than gypsies.
This is why I don’t trust Europeans, even in America. If a young girl randomly talks to me, gets in my personal space, and she doesn’t have an American accent and instead has some euro one, I’d probably punch her so she couldn’t steal from me or get her friend to steal from me.
Gyppos really can't fool Europoors anymore.
europeans know to stay away from gypsies, they are known to commit crime wherever they go
My dad had a similar story in Italy, some kids came up to him and tried to show him a photo and pickpocket him, luckily he noticed and don't lose his wallet
Should have kicked her out of your way
Fuck ch*ldren
If you even get near a gypsy looking "human" you're pretty retarded.
>you didn’t shoot her
You’re not from my country
Do you guys keeps your wallet in the back pocket? Tb h if someone talks to me in the streets I always take for granted that he wants money. 90% of the time is like that
Give me one American city safer and cleaner than Paris. Only one
The city I live in? Irvine, CA.
There’s thousands. Look at any city in the Midwest, St. Louis for example
>having a wallet
Wow, you are really in medieval aesthetic.
>falling for the most basic trick ever
That's what you get for not immediately running away and securing your wallet
what is the trick
to distract you and steal the wallet or what
lol who even visits France anymore. You're just asking for it.
It's the most visited country
wannna make some quick cash?
i heard the sentence is pretty harsh in russia
literally all of them
paris is a fucking tragedy
Irvine's homicide rate is 3, you can check it. Paris' is 1.8. You mutts have know idea how safe is Europe compared with the shithole you live in
it will not be in the top 5 in the next 10 years once people realize it's turning into the congo
Paris is not safe but problems are easily avoidable imo. Just say no to everyone and if they insist walk away or beat them. I've been buying drugs and doing party in Paris since I'm a 15 years old and I've always found a way to stay safe. Only really dumb tourists gets tricked
It’s 0.7
>mfw complete immune to any scam
>turning into the congo
Paris is full of arabs and niggers since I'm a kid. It really isn't changed so much since the '90. Banlieus have always been a problem
>b-b-b-but america!
why do euros do this?
>visit America
>nigger comes up to me and points a gun at me
>ask him what it's for
>says unintelligible things like "bix nood muhfugga"
>say no thank you, walk away
>get shot
>wallet is gone
My phone got pickpocketed in africa
San Diego, my hometown.
Your city is too small so the homicide rate varies too much over the years, but the average rate is higher than two, point proven.
Congratulations, who ever stole your phone probably got murdered by another guy stealing it from him.
>moving goalposts
Los Angeles has less crime and way less Muslims than Paris
When I went to Tiananmen Square they did this except for real.
Paris is fucking dire.
I hope so, but i doubt it desu.
They where in a group and it was my old s7 with a cracked screen. Maybe worth 100$ or so
this is why euros need guns, should've shot that little girl in the face.
We have 277 thousand people. That is not small.
We’re consistently lower than Paris by an appreciable amount. Admit it, you wuz wrong.
she was brown you should've known better, aren't you aware of the g*psie plague ?
They beg me often and I tell them to fuck off because they use kids to do the dirty job. These people have no shame
>go to Edinburgh
>black car parked on royal mile rolls down windows
>man in suit inside
>'want to make some money, son'
>looking at me
>blood goes cold
>jump into group of other tourists walking by and pretend I know them and that I didn't hear mr CIA
>interacting with gypsies
literally who the fuck visits Irvine? isn't that some university city? how are you going to compare that to Paris?
GOD I fucking hate these gipsy low life scum beggars.
Pic related professional beggars in Berlin
How is that higher than Paris' 1.8? You sharties are really thick-headed
wtf? that must be annoying. I've never seen a gypsy in my life thank god they don't cross the ocean
what the fuck
>group of teens surround me
>I realise I'm about to get mugged
>Put my hands in my pockets holding wallet and phone
>throw myself in the ground
they flee
cringe af but hey I'm still with my samsung, ID and a few coins
We have them in NYC they beg with babies.
St. Louis!? Murder rate per capita is higher than Chicago.
I keep mine in my back pocket and live in NYC.
keep mine in my left front pocket
Off the top of my head while I cant find clear Paris crime stats probably, Boston, Denver, Minneapolis, etc. It wouldnt suprise me if NYC even had less property crime.
>visit france
here is your mistake bro
Stfu it’s a great city with a bunch of tech companies and a small drive away from the beach. The university is a cornered off section of the city.
If you average all the years it’s lower.
Nah its exactly 2
Paris is litterally the worst city i have ever been to
Irvine is boring af
t. Went to NHS
>mr CIA
Implying he wasnt just trying to buttfuck you.
1.1+2.1+2.0+.5+1.4+0+.9+.9+.8+0+0.8 = 10.5
10.5/11 = 0.95. Even lower than the initial 1.7 I presented.
True, but some people are looking for boring.
t. Went to WHS
>throw myself in the ground
wtf? how does that stop them?
>beggar comes up to me and scrambles cup
>say ”dont mind if i do”
>reach in and take 50 crowns worth of coins
>walk away
>buy some burgers with the money
well people stare at you
they would have to squat to take my things
It is good for safety though, minus that samurai sword attack like 15 years ago lol
Lmao I remember that. That dude was ahead of his time, too early for the fedora samurai memes
I always thought if someone wanted to take something from you in Brazil they just do it no matter what
Bet it was a gypsy.
>it's another "i went to paris and it was bad" thread
sure you did
Fuck mutts
Honestly, why did Hitler even bother with the jews. He should have just made sure to eradicate the gypsies first.
But you're not a tourist. If I don't know a city I always keep it in the front, just to be sure
That could have been avoided if you were carrying a gun...
Rio is another level of insanity, but you can be sure that most of the time they would flee at the smallest chance of being arrested.
When they get are finally catch the whole pack make a scene, I feel bad for the cops and the kids being raised by crackheads.
btw this guy filming has an entire channel of clips from his window Rio de Nojeira something like disgusting Rio.