Pretty dystopian

pretty dystopian

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it'll be fought for as long as retarded hicks and Mexican 17 year olds like this guy sign up for it.
>inb4 "that's most of the American population"
yes that's exactly my point.

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Hahaha it's like Soviet occupation of Poland except not nearly as long

>The elites waging war in Afghanistan is somehow the peoples fault
The brainwashed men signing up for the marines is a symptom, not a problem

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you guys keep voting them in and keep allowing them to increase the military budget. it is as much fault of the politicians as it is the people who keep voting the hawks in.

why is there still a war in Afganistán? Bin-laden died years ago

>juan tellez

will you fuck off with this cliche shit already? Do you think that "elites" just reproduce through mitosis, put on suits, and go to work? If "the people" didn't want shadow governments and corporate cabals waging wars in their name, they wouldn't vote for them. But they do, so unless you're actively voting against warmongers you're part of the problem and need to stop deflecting your idiocy onto nonexistent boogeymen.

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Shut up they're defending American's freedoms and liberty from terrorists

>juan tellez

im dying

And he died in Pakistan.
It was never about Bin-Laden, Al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

The people want this. "I'm innocent because I didn't personally sign off on this" is just a coping mechanism for people too cowardly to admit they are just as responsible for America's atrocities. You either voted these people in or didn't try hard enough to prevent them from being voted in.

I for one want global empire

But the people are being brainwashed. It's not their fault.

So what is it about? There's no oil over there and israel is also far away

Justification of military spending and lining the pockets of defense contractors.

Lynchian, one might find...

Most Americans are anti-war, the problem is for some inexplicable reason we keep voting for people who do this over and over and over again. It's really the two party system, which is equal parts the result of brainwashing and the two parties actively colluding with each other to shut other parties out. This prevents any politician who dares to defy the neo-conservative agenda from having a platform anywhere but state legislatures and city councils.

Basically a training ground. Will it ever end?

stay jelly neverserves

>Most Americans are anti-war
huh? have you never talked to a conservative?

poppy fields to make yummy white powder to distribute and fund black projects with untraceable money

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Who you vote in doesn't matter, they don't make the decisions

imagine 700 billion going to a pointless desert every year when we have obese rampant uneducated people running free here smuggling crack for an extra $20

Why people are signing up for this shit? Are they that poor or just brainwashed by the over-the-top patriotism?

Do you not understand what "most" means or did you hit your head this morning? Look at any poll conducted after around 2005. Look at what happened when Obama attempted to intervene in the Syrian Civil War.

Wtf you can enlist with 17 years old in the US army?

with parental permission yes

Someone should tell them about the Hundred Years' War and how England would've won and formed a united Kingdom with France if only Henry V didn't die suddenly from illness.

Another interesting fact: a large portion of the military's new recruits are from families with military backgrounds. So in 100 years, if this trend continues, America might have a full-on warrior caste

>People think Americans vote for the people who actually call the shots
You get to vote for figureheads. Democracy is not possible in a country like the USA. It is only possible in homogeneous nation states. The creators of democracy understood this fact full well, as did the founding fathers of the USA. Giant and diverse countries can only be controlled by authoritarian police states.

They literally pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth every morning.

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remember the 100 years war?

You're a gucking idiot. Democracy isn't possible in your system because the system is the worst in the free. Donald Trump LOST the vote, but became president. What kind of democracy is that?

I mean, the hundred years war was between two country. Here is between a lot of country and none

It shouldn't be allowed to enlist without being 18 years old, but thanks for the info

The European Union sends money to a Polish high school to fund student trips to euroweek

It doesn't matter who "wins" the elections, because the same megacorporations and industrial complexes are invested in both of them.

>poor or just brainwashed by the over-the-top patriotism

opinions on war vary. it usually dips after the war has started because the body bags start coming home and the civilian casualties start mounting.

>>Seventy-two percent of Americans interviewed in a new CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Saturday and Sunday favor the war against Iraq, while 25% are opposed. Roughly the same number approve of the job President George W. Bush is doing.

you guys love war.

>>The latest Gallup poll shows that Americans favor the use of ground troops in Afghanistan by more than a four-to-one margin, 80% to 18%

Both parties are into warmongering though. You'd have to not vote at all to have a clear conscience on this topic.

My father did at 17 because he graduated h.s. at that point. What would he the point of him sitting around for another month?

>biggest army in the world BY FAR
>patriotism always cranked up to 11
>"most Americans are anti-war"

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Here in Spain you don't have any real rights until you're 18 years old. Not even with parental permission. I don't know how this Works in the US tho

I though the American people had their gubmint under control thanks to their right to bear arms

if you get deployed its a decent amount of money for someone that age and american employers like hiring veterans. honestly, its not a bad deal. I kinda wish we had the same opportunities would've been a lot more fun than getting a job straight out or going to university.

wow great the rest of the world im sure cannot wait to implement the rampantly successful spanish model

They need to continue funding the FSA to the teeth (like they did with the mujahideens they are fighting now in Afghan) just to start bombing them 15 years after

"Warrior caste" more like "the poor". The military is the US's welfare state as much as repubs don't want to admit it. Over-recruited pity jobs that primarily target those without prospects, often straight out of highschool. That's the reason war wont stop: It's propping up your lower classes.

You should't be allowed to die for your country or anyone if you aren't the holder of your civil rights, kiwi
It's basic civil law

You can empancipate at 16

There was 100 years war, 30 years war.

>The casus belli of war in Afghanistan was taking out Osama/Al-Qaeda/The Taliban alledgy responsables for 9/11
>They are still around with the exception of Osama, his son is now the new leader and they'll probably be taking over the country again

Why are they both so prone to joining the military?

to be fair though basically every american government has the same foreign policy anyway. Neo-cons are worth but Obama still invaded shit. Trump specifically said he was isolationist but the armies still doing the same shit.

Americans, please explain.

people only join the military (like the guy in OP) because of the 30k gibs they get from it since they are too uneducated to do anything else.

>it ain't me starts playing in looped sequence

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People dont fight what doesn't bother them, or what they dont know about.

I don't think a single US president can actively stop the military. Even trump looked a bit unhappy when he was giving a speech about intervening in Syria all those years ago.
I mean a multi-billion dollar industry in which the government actively cuts funding for other useful shit to support? They may as well control america.

the people keep gobbling up the propaganda spewed to them. it's their fault that they can't think critically and put foreign-policy at such a low priority in voting. if Americans actually gave a shit about stopping its warmongering, they'd vote for candidates that aren't hawks. but the majority of Americans don't care. it's as much fault of the politicians as it is the American base. that's democracy, you take responsibility for the people you vote for.

That song is not as good without a few Huey images

it isnt 1916. the military is not some job only for those with a deathwish. pilots, fisherman and loggerse all have higher workplace fatality rate the US servicemen.

I'm 32, and never once voted. I can't pick either side with a clear conscious.

That doesn't fit with the multigenerational military family I was talking about. Poor enlistees fresh out of high school don't enter the military as a long-term career. They aren't generally qualified for reenlistment.
It's the kids of career soldiers that would make up this theoretical warrior caste, because kids who grow up moving around military bases are deeply affected by that lifestyle. I know this from experience.

Americans need to talk more about how the pledge was written by a socialist to make the country more socialist. That'd turn people against it right quick.

This is remarkably wrong.

>honestly, its not a bad deal
This, at least if you're lower-middle class or poor in the US.
>Low chance of actually dying/killing anyone
>G.I. bill paying for the expensive American university
>Military is not a complete joke unlike most of the rest of world
Yeah if you get an IED and remain a cripple or with PTSD for the rest of your life you'll feel quite stupid, but what are the chances?

Serious question to Ameribros, weren't you supposed to fuck off Afghanistan a few years ago? Why is it still going on?

By that logic you are guilty as well so don’t go throwing stones through glass houses.

from what i understand, if smerica just pulls out all troops, then the taliban will take over the country again. the current goal is to bomb the taliban until they're willing to negotiate with the democratic government we installed
i'm not saying this is logical, but this is the justification

>weren't you supposed to fuck off Afghanistan
Very unlikely that's going to happen anytime soon.

Afghanistan = American cotton farms

American military contractors and opium farmers = American land owners

Afghan locals working for a cents or two a day = slaves

Afghanistan has been molded to be literally one big opium farm for the rest of the world and unless there's a big social upheaval they're not going to be free and this isn't going to change.

it's more like the american colonization of the philippines or the south during reconstruction

>Americans who have perspective and aren't senseless jingoists screaming SUPPORT DA TROOPS, I TWUST MY PREZDENT
Bloody hell, what the hell is the world coming to.

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George Bush had the highest approval rating in history when the war started.

The officers aren't poor

Neither are the senior enlisted men.

The war was never about Bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda. It was about out the Taliban (who were the government of Afghanistan at the time) giving safe passage to terrorist groups who attack America. If America withdraws now, it means the entire war has been a pointless failure since the Taliban are actually today than in 2001. If they don't withdraw, they're in a permanent quagmire that they can't win. America is fucked either way. Bush made a monumental error in invading. He should have done what the Taliban were saying: negotiate with us and let us give Bin-Laden to a third party so we don't look and save face. Instead Bush and the Republicans we down the big, macho path of war to send a message and America has been paying the price ever since.

>the Afghan government is so bad that the people there actually prefer the Taliban

just kill everyone in afghanistan?????

>the Taliban are actually *bigger today
>so we don't look *weak
>Bush and the Republicans *went
Sorry for errors

very based post

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no shit

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We can't talk bad about our troops in public. It's extremely frowned upon and would make you look like a monster