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niggy woozle

business idea:
>buy GTA V from cex
>swap the disc with my current corrupted copy of GTA V
>take it back the next day for a refund saying it didn't work
>get a free replacement copy
its literally foolproof lads

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oi to the fuckin oi



Kingdom Hearts is the best game series ever

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how come time seems much slower when you're young

do you know where Beto is?

Every hour is a bigger portion of your life when your 3 compared to when you are 30

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you could make that a business, buy scratched games that normally sell on eBay for like £15+. sell them for like a few quid less to sell them asap and just go across the country going to every video game store returning discs

Yes they do. You've never even played them and are just being an obnoxious contrarian because if the tranny paki likes them then you can't.

not clicking on this

i can play persona
i can play SMT
i can play trails of cold steel
i can play god eater
i can play fate stay night and related games
i can play weeb shit in general and not find it that autistic

but i can't play kingdom hearts, and yet kingdom hearts is by far the most poplar among normoids

dont get it

ive played a bit of KH3 and couldnt get into it too much because every cut scene is like "Yeah and Farquart fought Roxas, we all remember that right? And when Crystalee had a tryst with Sambo and the Dark Lord came and stole their hearts, well, who knows what Mickey's cousin Roger would think about that tricky situation. Golly."

its pretty bad if you left off on kingdom hearts 2 and expected 3 to be a continuation of 2. have to watch a youtube video about the story or some shit

Woulnt mind a light wheat beer pint rn

I'll be a millionaire in no time

I have played them
their stories are passable at best
no video game has a good story compared to a film or a book or a tv show
video game stories are just various shades of brown

would like to watch a film with aesthetics similar to that of Elysium or District 9.

Any suggestions?

The name Kingdom Hearts 3 is misleading, it's actually Kingdom Hearts 9 but they couldn't use sequential numbering on other systems/consoles for contract reasons

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really makes me think
don't want to fanthom reality this way it's scary

>a tv show
the games you said were shite are shit but your thoughts are shite too


>no video game has a good story compared to a book
And no one suggested they did. You've made quite a leap there, you dire cunt.

>film or tv show

>The name Kingdom Hearts 3 is misleading, it's actually Kingdom Hearts 9

kek thats insane

shite shite dogshit poo bum wank shite

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thoughts on marmite?

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Imagine convincing yourself not to like things because someone you hate happens to like them.


Im gonna actually do it tbqh if i can find somewhere to buy the games

Its ok

>argue with poley
>his white knight defenders come to pick apart your arguments
oh fuck off you tranny chasing freaks



did you even read my post you stupid fucking horrible little cunt

I listen to audiobooks from video game story modes in the car

are muslims based and redpilled

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500 Days of Summer

Had another argument with the gf last night, this morning I even packed my bag and was ready to walk out. While I was packing she deleted our entire WhatsApp chat history from my phone and secretly threw the scarf she had knitted me for Christmas in the bin. Is this a bit psycho or in the range of normal breakup response? We kept talking and made up, and I got the WhatsApp chat back from a backup made automatically this morning. I get that she was upset but it feels like a real violation to fuck with my stuff (both those things are really important to me), even if they're from her in some way.

bit of a love/hate relationship tbqh

yes, if you avoid the daily mail propaganda you'll find most of them are good people with conservative family values

Logan’s Run
>In the year 2274, the remnants of human civilization live in a sealed city contained beneath a cluster of geodesic domes. Everyone must undergo the rite of "Carrousel" when they reach the age of 30. There, they are killed under the guise of being "renewed.” To track this, each person is implanted at birth with a "life-clock" crystal in the palm of the hand. Most residents accept this promise of rebirth, but those who do not and attempt to flee the city are known as "Runners.” Runners find "Sanctuary,” a mythic place outside the city where they will be safe to live out the rest of their lives. Logan 5 is a policeman who tracks Runners. When it’s his time for Carousel, he and his lover Jessica run to Sanctuary.

>getting emotional then "fighting" with words on a screen that some rando wrote

Europe gets white sharia
America gets mutted
kind of jelly ngl


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horseshoe theory

A good suggestion well made
Firing up the ol' piracy telecomputer and faxing a request for Dredd (2012)

blog on?

>Europe gets white sharia
not at this rate

inflict physical harm upon yourself

>call it a paki tranny
>"hurr durr why iz u wite niting poolee errrrrrrrrrrr"

You fucking thick bastard. You've basically admitted your opinion is simply a contrarian because you hate the paki.

gutted, mutted.

>mindlessly vent at poley because he enjoys the attention no matter how negative it is
>get some retards trying to intercept my arguments with him
lol fuck off

for what reason?

Another 200 quid sent to miss Delphine

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Cry more

>good people
sure, if you're a muslim yourself. at least one that thinks the same way.

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horrible horrible bastard
i hope you die

cause I fucking said so you yank piece of shit

Lummu time

Btw bought these shoes a month ago and still havent worn them

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>white sharia

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if you think about it, being conservative is an identity and if people discriminate against you based on that, that's oppression


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i'm going all in
put it all on red

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Thoughts on girls that smoke cigarretes?

I wonder what Owen Jones has to say.
Not sure this was an appropriate headline lmao

>Members of the LGBT community must stand behind under-fire Muslims

bwahahahahahha helloo tranny FREAK

easy there Prince Harry, why all the hostility?

dont understand why lefties love muslims so much when they're at complete odds with their ideology.

>grr I hope you die!!!
calm down you freak

John Turturro

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GF 2019: State of Play for the month of March

new "possibilities of getting laid (POGL)" report has come out today for the month of march. Raising my possibilities of getting laid score from the 3.7% released in my quarterly report for Q1 2019 (which can be read here ) up to a whopping 5.4%. the Cockonomy's performance is exceeding expectations and has been pumped up significantly today. "The trend is Up," says user.

brilliant actor, from my home state as well

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bought some all white shoes a year or two ago and never have worn them out
look like a bent dad in them, not sure why I fell for the meme of all white shoes

Very soy

>that headline

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>from my home state as well
yeah well alotta people are from new york, get used to it kid. back ta jersey with all ov ya

meeting with a qt boy tomorrow :3

Dont care if shes (t)hot

he'll conveniently say nothing

this is the extent of their reasoning

>3 drummers
utterly unnecessary



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$50 tickets to Hawaii on Southwest lads
That's cheaper than 2 tanks of gas for the ol' automobile

didn't know icelad was a poof

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me and the lads

just looked at the tab of the old thread

to the guy who's ex called him: nows your chance for some rebound pussy

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This must be the other icelad I have blue eyes

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what's he saying in that photo?