Why are cities in poor countries in Asia so much less violent than cities in poor countries in Africa, Latin America, or the US?
Why are cities in poor countries in Asia so much less violent than cities in poor countries in Africa, Latin America...
Because there's no drug trade
thinking about moving in ?
Hard pass
They are violent in different ways.
higher IQ+monoracial=trust eachother
Asian Americans has lowest crime rate too.
>Asian Americans
They are not at all. similar to each other. It Extremely depends on which ones.
There is though
Because asian males are smaller.
No drug and The cultures and people being inclusive in social circle
That doesn't make sense at all.
Smaller people still fight among themselves.
And OP, there is crime, just very under-reported.
Also, the police are pretty corrupt, so people take matters into their own hands.
In Vietnam (my home) it's actually mostly petty crime (like street theft). Of course there is severe crime, but nothing crazy like what you see in America, Brazil, Somalia, etc.
less testosterone
Lack of guns, maybe?
Because police don't report crimes to the official statistics.
Summed it up well.
We are violent though.
i could get mug if i wander to bad parts of the city
Because these are old civilizations who just modernized late.
No blacks
Keep deluding yourself Zhang.
Asians have lower testosterone level. That's why. Due to the dense population in Asia, we evolved to be low-testo.
You people are fucking weird.
There is violent crime, just not to the sadist levels of other countries. For fuck sakes, not everything is a contest.
I mean, really, I expected this from a shit-for-brains Brazilian, but a Japanese? Probably an Australian Proxy-fag.
Because they have completely different histories. Latin America has suffered the ill effects of the Drug Trade, mass deportations of gang members and widespread poverty.
India, for instance, was strictly governed by the British for centuries. They combated organized crime and erected structures of governance which persist today. However, British colonization decimated local industry, culminated in the Bengal Famine and the trauma of Partition and mass displacement. The demographics of Delhi today reflect that--once a center of Urdu culture, it is now predominately Punjabi with massive populations of North Indian migrant workers, from Haryana and Rajasthan to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Do note that there are ongoing insurgencies in Northeast India (Assam and Nagaland), Kashmir and the tribal belt (Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, parts of Odisha. A.P., M.P., etc). However. the roots of violence in India tend to less motivated than aspirations for wealth than concerns with ethnic identity, self-governance and perceptions of a corrupt, cumbersome state and bureaucracy.
Latin America has similar issues but a very different history and post-colonial experience.
Family-honor cuture. Asians are more disciplinarian and will disown their kids more readily.
Gangs in asia are also more honor-based, less warlordist (losely based around a strongman that has exceled), more clannist (based on institutional hierarchies, traditions, formalized authority).
>There is violent crime, just not to the sadist levels of other countries.
yes, because they are low test.
>For fuck sakes, not everything is a contest
you say that because you're low test, Chang.
*and religious strife, caste shit, blah blah
In Mexico and Central America, cartels and street gangs like MS-13 either co-opt or mitigate ethnic differences.
What is the context of this picture?
We have drug trade but low crime.
low test
Blame the meds, they are sadist as fuck
You don't have crushing poverty, a vast and unregulated arms market or a recent history of U.S.-backed insurgency and genocide.
>and genocide
Commies aren't really "people" though.
>what was the Mayan genocide
low population density = higher crime rates. the exception being autistic Scandi countries
Yeah in white and black countries there are lots of "no go zones" but in east asia wherever you go it's pretty safe
Cities are crime hotspots in every country
But they don't feature the same violent crime as nigg or latin shitholes.
And the same schism exists in the USA where we see every demographic. Blacks most violent, latinos more violent, whites average and asians below average.
A black man didn't do nuffin
>low population density
>El Salvador
You probably think Colombia and Venezuela are sparsely populated, too, because you have no understanding of how geography impacts settlement.
Also mfw my AirBnB host's wifi is banned
No niggers, no atrocidads
high context cultures
Why are you americans like this? Not wanting to get reamed up the ass by corporations doesn't mean you're a commie
Crime in Asia is underreported I get raped and robbed on my way home every other day white countries are so safe.
t.low IQ
It follows the IQ data.
Also studies have shown that crime is more related to income inequality than poverty it's self.
When people suddenly see others riding around in nice cars with hot bitches and shit they get jealous.
But violent crime isn't as bad in India as it is in Latin America. India has larger population of poor people too. I agree with the statement that it's more about ethnicity, religion and caste there than financial one but still doesn't explain why Latin America which is seemingly well off when compared to India somehow more violent
India doesn't have enough bureacracy to keep track of everything, and doesn't have enough money to build a bureacracy so they couldn't even if they tried.