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having a mosey round cate blanchetts gaff

Donde esta Beto?

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trump is jewish

the cat meow because he have food

might send a few bags of sultanas to a random address

foul harlot

Plz help anons

Dredd is good

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the cat meow because it knows that in my bag the food
i once posted that here and somebody said they were watching it too haha

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is that Fart?

Speak for yourself Mckenna

mental isn't it
you can actually go online and order anything to anyone's address
granted they might not accept it from the postie or open it, but still mental that you can do it
could just pick a random house in the city and buy them a playstation or new pair of sneakers

any alexa man in? are they worth getting? or is it one of those things you never use after the first day?

this is obviously fake

literally just make it up and hope for the best
if they don't check you win, if they do, what difference does it make you haven't lost anything just apply for something else

no it isn't
be quiet

im gonna do it like the other guy got it and just send a few zip lock bags to some random lol

I've got one in the kitchen to play Spotify while I cook

saw this on reddit
and yes I did upvote it

The latter.

me? I look like robert fripp

it's an empowering feel when the ex calls you lads

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alexa download minecraft


don't get it mate

did you know grapefruit juice potentiates opiates?
just a lil tip for my fellow junkies out there

my ex messaged me begging me to help her leave jersey lmao

alexa reply FOY to all yanks in this thread

alexa is the Wii of AI

why would this be a issue to ur average person tho

alexa make me beans on toast

alexa text my mum the word nigger

im a meth head

need an alexa fleshlight so she can be my gf

might pick up smoking to look cool


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so im going to start doing standup comedy at mostly black night clubs to cut my teeth in the standup world.

and im going to test one of my jokes on you guys to see if you think it'll land.

ok so read the rest of this post in a voice that is as close to eddie murphys as possible because thats the voice ill do most of my routine in. here goes:

Ya'll know when you go to the grocery sto and see a girl buyin' up some cranberry juice? men dont buy no cranberry juice. you know, people generally dont drink that shit witout a reason, tastes like sizzupr witout the drugs in it. taste real bad.

But you just know that 100% of the time that bitch got a UTI. when you see a girl sippin on cranberry juice you know fo sho that it burn when she pee!

'If the Russian state wanted to kill the Skripals, many things would've been different. Firstly, they would've been dead.'

it does look cool desu
(asthmatic soyboys will disagree)


Watery poo again

in 1 week i once had 2 girls come upto me and talk to me when iwas smoking, 1 of the girls wanted a cigarette for her mum so i let her roll one, the other one was 70~ years old and was telling me about living in a nursing home and taking care of her neighbours dog and accidentally letting it out but finding it again

haha damn bruh he went there

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>not having a swirl of ice on the buldy

might buy a cigarette tree and i wont have to buy them anymore

You're no good for me, I don't need nobody

just thought of a black american joke about seeing a girl buying cranberry juice

Doesn't meth make people into deranged sex perverts?

It's what Ian Watkins was on when he nonced those infants.

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might buy a meth tree and i wont have to pretend to be my dealers friend and hang out at his house to get free gear

literally me rn expect it's 7 and not 5

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does she buy it so her pusy dont stank? haha


deano just told me about how a taxi driver in sunny beach threatened him with a knife

fkn hell

sunny beach sounds bare mad ting yeah taxi drivers and dat cheffin

mad ting

thats a good idea too
then i could hang out at your house and pretend to be your friend haha

remember when they werent art faggy melts

you dirty thieving cunt you better hope i never figure it out or ill end you

Sucked cock recently? I have. It was noice.

Any /Dua Lipa/ man in?

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its okay though because ill bring you some of my home grown darts

So? So fuck off you vile nonce.

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mafia runs it i heard

done 52 sets of 7 on me barbell today
and went to the gym for 40mins

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don't give it attention

only if she puts her dua lipas around my cocka

Advanced civilisations have visited us.

Having, and enjoying, a listen


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yeah theyre called pakis

women hold no power over me
i've absconded my primitive inhibitions

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He’d be spinning in his grave if he were alive today.

mandem tells me sunny beach is on the bare ends of nowhere f a m

if man speaks the truth man can only guess bare booki shit goes down there f a m

im going to travel to scotland to find the loch ness nigger

love chebs

ah yes, yanktopia.

dont like eggs because im afraid of gettin sam o'nella

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Been a NEET for 3 years

How do I explain this on my CV

jesus would be spining on his cross if he could see this

Haha, imagine having a gf

Imagine if she loved you for who you are

ok no more playing time to slay
10g of snuff straight up the nasal cavity
20ml of e-juice straight up the anal cavity
15% concentrated ginger wine striaght down the abdominal cavity

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say you were working in india or south america

Absolutely mental that you can actually pay to fuck British pornstars irl


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kek shes dirt
and that isnt even her

wow that's crazy
paying to fuck a whore

haha le norf memes so funney

taking care of your premature baby

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i once put a drop of jungle juice in my bong