Peru sounds like a nice place to visit...
Peru sounds like a nice place to visit
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Maybe the touristics places, yes
yeah, maybe if you like your head separate from your shoulders.
How easy is it to get a cute Peruvian gf
Easy if you are foreigner or white, hard if you are autistic like me
It's nice. Food and taxis are extremely cheap
The only bad thing is that a couple of old guys were rude to me because I'm from Chile
Peru is not Colombia or Mexico user, the worst that could happen to you is being pickpocketed wich is easily avoidable
>hard if you are autistic like me
Do you have friends that can hook you up or break the ice?
It is indeed
bring your white women, please
I talk a little with my classmates but I do not consider them my friends
I'm not autistic but I have social anxiety