/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Solunska Glava edition
Remember, always respect our Macedonian Friends


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First for Julius Hoxhar

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shopping time~
up and at'em user, don't just stay in bed all day

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Kys retarded pedophile

Που είναι ο παππούς που λέει "Εισαι μάγkας ή δαγkας"

Well, he didn't say anything bad

But he's posting pictures of underage Chinese cartoon characters.

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Solunska glava = solun head. It's said the peak is so high that you can see Solun from there. Greeks should go there and try it. See some videos on youtube.



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Oh by the way

We use the word Glava too


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i bought rice, potatoes and macaronny
in the coming days i'll try cooking them in a microwave (hopefully nothing explodes and i don't poison myself)

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i think most body parts have greek / roman names
(even when the anglos were naming things, they still coined them in greek/roman)


Roastie has a mental breakdown lmao

I couldn't care less, honestly.

you should try cooking too
i think good food is important

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Microwaved garbage isn't exactly what many would consider "good food."

>cooking in a microwave
no wonder you post anime shit

hmm, idk, i think it's a smart idea
i don't have access to an oven so that's the next best thing
oh man i forgot to buy noodles ;_;7 rip

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My ancestors :)

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Im really curiois to know what kind of a person you must be to post drawings of children

have you even read yotsubato?
you normies are so fucking silly

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кaкo тoј пeдepoт y клac штo ce дpyжи co жeнcки и cитe мy мaвaaт зayшки

>woke up 2 hours ago
>stomach wants to eat so badly
>forgot there's no bread
>too lazy to go buy now
>see an unopened milka chocolate
>eat it
>tfw not hungry anymore

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In 30'

>tfw hungry again

>se najadue od 1 milka

Kolku da me zasiti, pocnue pak da mi se jade sea

I dont care whats that if i had you beforevme i sweqr ill crush your nose fuxking subhuman


Allah won't forgive you for visiting this sinful forum

>he doesn't even KNOW yotsuba
>on Jow Forums
know your place, keyboard warrior

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Im no keyboard warrior ako mozhesh dojdi tuka vo skopje i qe te qekam samo kazhi kade i mamu i cella familija ti ebam be shkavell

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>absolutely FUMING
haha~ what a guy
crack a window

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new video

Why do weebtards use ~ instead of proper punctuation?

>rice, potatoes and macaroni
>bought on the morning of march 5th

cross-referencing lists of purchases from all popular supermarkets


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fucking exposed AAAAAAAA

soygarians were a fucking mistake holy shit

i imagine it wouldn't be difficult to collect camera feeds from supermarkets + haxxing and collecting the checkout machine data, and applying facial recognition to match an individual with their purchases

easy 2+2 equation

Nothing wrong with this, it should be in albanian
Because mentqlly retarded


well if you do find me i'll suck your dick
just be sure to shower

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i'll make sure i wash my entire body except for my feet and private parts
i'll wrap those up in plastic bags just for u

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You mean "Bulgarian", aka the tranlo of the name Anita Angelova who seeks to destroy balk

oooh no no no

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Quick rundown on Anita Angelova?

use desuarchive

It's a trap.

he even got the christmas lights all year round and everything
this pic looks like something outta cam site

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Ewww she doesn't pass.

Is that tranlo? He looks like a man.

i'm not called Anita you silly boys
do what you want, but don't expect blowjobs from her (him?)

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his friend also looks like a man

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Post feet (with timestamp), Anita.

would fuck that

Who fucks whom here

if that's not a dude...
it's probably a lesbian

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holy shit that little bear is balancing on her finger
i hope it doesn't fall

It's the tranlo, nothing wrong with that of course but he seeks to destroy balk because people wouldn't bite her attention whoring attempts

>implying he isn't showing his ass on the camera already for money

But how do you know?
I remember one Bulgar mentioning her here:
But he might be just baiting.

tranlo has posted his picture asking if anyone went to the comic con in Sofia and it's the same person, before he went full haywire for attention

comic con tranlo is different from anita

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there's another one?


there's 2 or 3 ppl being confused as tranlo
it's xpozed's twisted way of covering up the original tranlo (comic con tranlo)
the real plot twist would be if he himself is tranlo

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HA! 100% wrong
i go by many names, tho the most well known would be burgas manlet
and i have no interest in destroying /balk/
it's not my fault you baboons have nothing better to do than give me (You)s

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How come Bulgarians haven't bullied these tranlos to death yet? They don't even pass.

this person doesn't look like a man, are we sure it's a transexual?

fuck off Anita slut

various traits from comic con tranlo and buttchin chan lead me to believe they are the same person

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this (on the right) will forever be tranlo in my head

very cute + those smooth bit chubby legs

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comic con tranlo seems fairly sociable

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>типичeн житeл нa ceлo Hepeзи

can't be the literal center of attention and be a shut in tranny sperg afraid of repression

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Jac cyм oд ceлo Coпиштe

hello xpozed

plot twist: tranlo (the lovech tranny) has been a LARP all along

xpozed isn't really knowledgeable about Macedonia

say something nice about him

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but then how do we explain this
take a closer look

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he should find a place with more sunlight

Awww qt

Awww qt

i hear that's exposed's wife
then again it may as well be that cathlic guy's wife
or rasha's wife
or well, who are we kidding it's another tranla

Awww qt

yeah you "hear"
that's your wife, xpozed
you spread that rumor

this is either the result of heavy LARPing or an actual tranny

severe mental illness either way

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>i told my wife to take a picture
>i posted that picture pretending that's a tranlo
>and then i started a rumer exposing MYSELF
oof, 99d chess, and i'm not even exposed
but you would know that, wouldn't you, exposed

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>нe пapкиpaи

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stfu Anita

xpozed has been xpozing himself in much more ridiculous ways, but i won't contribute with proofs since i have retained some semblance of decency


whatever happened to the greek lesbian


Wtf are you going on about? It’s aleays tranlo talk when bg flags are left alone. Also im in bed still

She's online on discord

xpozed always starts shit with his greek proxies to maintain plausible deniability

tranny tranny i love trannlo

штe вe иcпoтeпaм cичкo пeдepacти, paзбpaхтe ли?!

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