Are french posters the nicest on Jow Forums? from what I recall they are usually always polite and kind to other posters

are french posters the nicest on Jow Forums? from what I recall they are usually always polite and kind to other posters

Attached: ecstacy.jpg (342x311, 17K)

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this is a typical french Jow Forums poster

they're extremely rude and bitter

When I see my flag, theyre more often than not dickheads though, you got lucky.

Bassem is an unirocally based, denouncing the globohomo mixing of races and use of his people as a weapon to destroy white civilisation.

He is an ennemy of the white race but an honorable one.

Also yeah, 40+ percent of french people are non white or mixed, so a significant part of french posters likely are too.

Attached: pepejak.png (272x204, 17K)

Everytime I've had a coworker from france I've never once had a bad day.
Always fullhearted and without any deterioration of zeal. Great fucking wingmen too, holy shit. Hreat reacharounds too; nice soft hands.

I'm about 50/50, 50% good posts, 50% cunt

I wouldn’t say they’re the nicest but maybe somewhere around the top quarter?
French flags outside /fr/ usually are better though

Yeah im talking outside /fr/ but in /fr/ they post good pictures

Shame so many of them posters are weeaboos

Some are very nice and based
Some are Jow Forums immigrants who are bitter and crinhe

You know this board is ultra-shit when the nicest and welcoming people are fucking American /cum/ posters.


fuck.......... now that you think about it maybe ur right

Pretty much the only thing they’re good at but I’ll give you that !
Do you post on balt?

all balts do

the french are cute

>expecting nice people on the 4chins internet hate machine
look at all these nufags in here

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May God give me dubs and destroy the Netherlands

You really think so ?
I unironically find indian posters the nicest here

Denmark is best
J*Pan is worst by far

No that is (IRL from /fr/)

Based Tunisian man representing
France is ours inchalah

Let's see Paul Allen's dubs

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