Imagine calling this "pain au chocolat" instead of its proper name "chocolatine"

Imagine calling this "pain au chocolat" instead of its proper name "chocolatine"

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schoggibrödli desu

Based Algeria

what is that?
bread with chocolate?

Imagine calling it that instead of "food" lmao at algerians

Only non whites call it chocolatine

chocolate kwasson

Chocobroodje desu

Imagine not speaking French, you're closer to a chien rather than a humain.
French and Japanese people are the only vertified humans on Earth.

This is silly

this is such a forced meme

WTF is wrong with you?

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Stop with that normie meme

>French and Japanese people are the only vertified humans on Earth.
amazing post, perfectly in line with my views

It's called a croissant...specifically croissant choklata

Cruássâ de chocolate

Quelle horreur!

couque au chocolat maître race

How about my couque in your eye lmao


Belgium is never allowed in these kind of discussions sorry user

cope french slaves

literally no one asked

Nigga that's a napolitana

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That's a good-looking kwoissant, now I'm hungry