She sounds Latin as fuck now

Attached: Namnlös.jpg (664x592, 74K)

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I want to throatfuck that fucking whore

I love marzia:)!!!!!!

>her voice

What the fuck is wrong with her top teeth. Its like her mandible is rotated slightly. She also looks super unhealthy.

I bet she would have some North African DNA if she did 23andme

What the hell is wrong with her voice

She has a horse face

She loves spending Pewdiepie's money. Jesus christ.

Italians have chimp mouths

She has a "real life" voice that's nothing like this, there's a YouTube video with her and Felix in Italy and she speaks normally. But yeah her fake YouTube voice is absolutely horrible

wow i liked her for 3 years being the face of Rome and the Roman empire and now you've made me listen to her, all hope is lost. That is disgusting.

Fuck påewdiepie fucking bitch he betrayed the snownigger race don't ever post that fagget again

>be swedish incel autist handing out meatballs at ikea


>use superior american consumerism while breeding into a higher gene pool

you just sound jealous, sven.

How did he betray you

he should have stayed here and married an ugly man jawed 6 foot tall blonde dyke! fuck traitors HELL SEGER nords rise up!
you made me go full autist to see if there was any saving her, and no she still sounds like someone is clenching her nose

i can't stand how crooked her face is


Attached: Troll-Face-Girl-Internet-Meme-Vinyl-Decal-Sticker__64241.1506206153.jpg (800x800, 34K)

she has a bigger man jaw than any germanic woman

She speaks like that because she had problems with her nose when she was a kid. She had breathing issues and had to get a surgery once she got older, that’s why she speaks like that. She spent a long time speaking through clogged nostrils it probably became a habit.

>when your granddaughter racemixes with a N*rdoid

Attached: grandparents-crying-1.jpg (963x1040, 227K)

Why does she look white if she's Italian?

A diarrhea milkshake would look white to a mexican

fuck sounds like latin?

>knowing this much about a youtuber


lol, virgins

>She also looks super unhealthy

Attached: ameritard.gif (452x750, 145K)

He's not wrong. She has a slanted mouth. But I wouldn't expect a Swedish autist to pull anything better.

I agree with you. Honestly it's a miracle he even got with her in the first place. You have to keep in mind who Felix was back in 2010-2011 when they first met. Virgin, autist, manlet, college drop-out, poorfag loser working in a hot dog stand.

>he hasn't jerked off to Mathia's underage noods

>You have to keep in mind who Felix was back in 2010-2011 when they first met. Virgin, autist, manlet, college drop-out, poorfag loser working in a hot dog stand.
lol this, his personality changed a lot too once he gained fame

Ironically, North Africans are of Nordic race unlike Italians.

she sounds the same

More like retarded but why the fuck does she look like some German girl when she is Italian?

Attached: 73C6A725-9B6C-4658-B43B-9F587F789197.gif (250x200, 555K)

How the hell does she look German lmao

Lol his family was always super wealthy
His rebelllion was to drop out and play video games


Attached: F1C1F841-1D37-4D9F-8F76-1A983131AD97.jpg (700x394, 47K)

>when your country is so gypsy a Shitalian with bleached hair looks German

absolute state of your country

Felix, is that you?

she sounds like little gold digger