”Sorry for my poor english”

>”Sorry for my poor english”
>Proceeds to write better english than most native speakers

Attached: DB65B9DE-F6DA-44B5-B45B-ECB8E8B9A35F.jpg (261x193, 14K)

Says more about the native speakers 2bh

Usually the good ESLs have better written english than natives. Natives often niggerize their speech because they've been brainwashed that aave is cool and trendy and okay.

i write how i like bossman

It's the same with every other language desu. we also have this niggerish in Germany and it's commonly spoken by lowerclass immigrants (turks, albanians, etc)

because when they read it in their head with a shitty accent, anything can sound wrong. For example you are reading this with your own accent not even realizing im a visitor from malaysia

my spoken english is shit since I haven't spoken it since english classes in high school

Wtf now you made me conscious about my head accent wtf make it stop

I'm always very anxious when writing in English. I feel that my basic vocabulary is too limited and that my sentences end up somewhat repetitive and "staggered". I guess I have never quite managed to get into the flow of English, even though I can read it without any issues.

Oi lad you got a license to insult Kara Boğas?