10 years after Brexit

>10 years after Brexit
>British economy in ruins
>Brits beg for taking them to the union back
>EU says ok but only if you adopt SI units, euro currency, right-hand traffic and German language as official

God please make it happen

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i´m ok with all of this, except for german being the new official language, but to use EU english

based af

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>poland still butthurt at losing gibs


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>starving Little Englanders emigrate to Poland en masse for blue collar jobs
Future is kino.

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>10 years after Brexit
>European economy (still) in ruins
>Countries from Portugal to Bulgaria are begging to leave
>EU forbids it and votes to punish attempted leavers for their disloyalty
>every member state that asks to leave will receive 200,000 extra Eritrean refugees through the Common European Asylum System
>the UK's entire net migration rate per year is capped at 100,000

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You’re right to pray for this because the chances are minuscule. I can’t wait for Italy to leave and take all their gibs with them AHAHAHAHAHAHA

do they even use anymore besides miles an hour

Dont forget the electric outlets