Smug edition
Where's /ss/ OP ?
I want to lick her armpits
I want to annihilate her race
>been chatting with this 19yo filipina on hellotalk
>she sends me voiceclips instead of typing
>her voice is the most beautiful thing i ever heard in my life
>she has a japanese bf who mistreats her but she stays with him because he has money
Dont waste time with her then. Find one without a boyfriend.
>UK soon needed a porn license to visit porn website to "protect the kids"
Hows living in orwellian era looks like ?
lmao i've had porn blocked on my phone for 10 years or whatever, you just use https:// instead and it works. Jow Forums is blocked too but here i am
What a giant cuck you are
>t. country where porn is ILLEGAL
Should I fap or should I store my pent up testosterone for today?
Pls respond guys because I need to go to uni soon so I gotta decide quick thx
Only fap when you horny enough
I'm horny but I'm not sure about fapping in the morning. It might fuck up my energy throughout the day. But I want to fap
Fuck it, odds fap, evens no fap
What the fuck are you talking about, fapping in the morning is the best. Not only you won't pent up for a whole day, after this you can just junub + morning bath at the same time, so no time wasted. If you are tired after fapping just eat some breakfast.
I want to lick her pusy
Well I already fapped anyways, but usually I get some confidence boost because of the testosterone. If I fap I'm afraid it's going to be reduced.
just fuck a prostitute on weekend and you will not care about women the whole week.
Not that user, but prostitution here is illegal like terrorism
you get the biggest temporary t boost if you abstain for a week
no it isn’t
Tell me about JKT48: do regular Indonesians like them, or only weeaboos?
Only the filthiest of weebs. The lowest gutters of society
selamat pagi dan semangat kerja gaies ^__^
>illegal like terrorism
t. kuper
only weebs, 2012-2014 was their peak
Just wondering: during Indonesian or Malaysian concerts of local artists, is photography usually prohibited, or is it usually allowed? Over here it's usually tolerated and even encouraged at times, except for J-Pop concerts.
Even if it's prohibited, it won't stop our people from doing it.
I was asking though if it's common to prohibit it, or are such policies rare there? Over here (from experience) it seems quite uncommon outside of Japanese concerts, and concerts by local artists almost never do it.
I just download Little Caprice's swinger video
any gymchads have experience buying cheap whey on tok*pedia? can’t really trust reviews cuz everyone just 5stars everything if it’s packed nicely and they receive it on time
These kinds of hentai are sick and vile. Cute girls must only procreate with cute boys.
Seruput kopi panas di pagi yang sejuk dimana mirdad dibantai Ajax di kandang sendiri, what a beautiful day. *sips*
4 Types of OP
/ss/ who always post shotashits
/magilou/ who always post magiloushits
/malay/ who always post cringeshits
/pinoy/ who always post politicshits
What about MKL who keeps posting weebshit or entertainment?
Based Magilou Lover!
God, I wish I was a shota so /ss/ OP could ravage my peen
He's based and /ourguy/.
MKL is only based when he turns off his trip and tries to euthanize threads with his schizo samefagging
For the last time, that isn't me.
>Indon Zoomers ruling over Instabot everywhere
hey man, I'm like everybody else
What does Asean think of RICH CHIGGA
Canceled him when he changed his name desu
Nobody knows him in Indo tho, ask average Indon on the street they wouldnt know him,
every zoomer knows about him
kena jentik dengan setan
Stop masturbating
*Jabodetabek zoomer
no lol. literally every zoomer have at least heard of him
Yeah, no. My zoomer cousins who live in Central java know him.
>*pats head*
Nope, He is overrated and his music will not make a way in this country
he is overrated. I'm just saying every zoomer knows him though. I don't think you quite fit in with the kids anymore, boomer man.
Too much stress and depression. Ask your sister to kiss it as a remedy.
Smug about what? Your filthy polluted rivers?
There are millions zoomer in this country, i doubt you know every one of them and stop pushing modern or mumble rap shit into our indie scene, So cringe, hip-hop is fine though
when’s awkarin dropping another song man. Candu was good
this there are lot of indon rappers like him here
of course not everyone. but probably the majority. exception would probably be rural areas. but you can ask any random zoomer in any of the big cities and they would have some idea of who rich chigga is. and I'm not pushing anything you dumb boomer. where did you get that idea?
Don't drink too much water before fapping
>lyrics and forced beat switch in first song
this is supposed to be ironic, yeh?
At least we can still browse porn without an ID card or porn loisense.
What does this man from down under mean by this?
EDM time?
Makan siang apa ya gaiz enaknya?
What are cunts in SEA that have soul?
And are soulless?
The only cunt I know is soulless is Singapore. What else?
Gw mw makan naspad ntar lg nih
Everything other than Singapore has soul
Why is SEA such a soulful place?
>Malaysia is multicultural shithole.
>Phillipines is a shithole physically
>Indonesia is a hell, filled with smoke from forest fire and worst cigarettes habits
>Singapore? "nuff said
>Thailand , the land of traps and degenerate
>Brunei is a malay ethnostate ,The only heaven in SEA
What is the best fried noodle out there ?
For me it was this because Quantity >>> Quality
>Malaysia is multicultural shithole.
Why can't you just gather all the chinks and kelings, and push them somewhere else?
Just FYI, ate this bad boy last night with added egg
>Here is every job that I'm supposed to do, but I give to you and you should feel honored for doing my job :)
fuck boomers
>Quantity >>> Quality
Why not both
Mie Goreng jumbo = 3500/pcs
Supermi Jumbo = 2500/pcs
Tried that, taste like shit. Even 1500 rupiah supermi is better
why don't you chucklefucks stop shilling your mediocre crap on /ck/, huh?
what a pro, marshmello BTFO
Don't blame us, desu it's probably those Afrikaans that are addicted to Indomie and shilled it everywhere.
>Not liking instant noodles
Move on dude, you'll find someone better and it's no use getting your heart torn up like this.
t. has been through the same thing
Hey I live our Indomie (GBH)
>OMG I love indomie!