How do we save Mexico?

How do we save Mexico?
They're consistently in the top 4 of deadliest countries in the world yet they're never even in the news unlike Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.

Do their politicians give a shit?
Is their new commie president going to stop this?
I care for Mexican anons' safety.

Attached: 3r2r23t23#.png (1622x273, 52K)

This shit is amerimutt propaganda

Do you know anyone personally that has been killed by a cartel?

nah your country really is garbage. it's why we're overfilled with your goblinos

Mexicans claim that their murder rate isn't counted as war deaths. Is that true? What would the Middle Eastern murder rate look like if their war deaths were counted?

This shit was made for by your dumb orange president so he can brainwash mutts for the wall

you keep using mutts like you're not one. it's funny

you keep using mutts like you're not one. it's funny

well technically there is an internationally defined difference.

We don't have the death penalty but we're all too happy to drop a bomb on a bunch of Syrian children and it's justified because it's war.

If the Mexican Drug War was considered a war instead of a bunch of homicides it would literally be more deadly than Syria.

Install traditional religion. Not that syncretic stuff they practice, like worshipping icons.