What do other countries think of America's next president?
What do other countries think of America's next president?
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no politics on int retard read the rules
it's too much work to go to Jow Forums from 4channel
I dont give a shit
I just the Jow Forums nnever goes back to the way it was in 2015/2016. pol was really obnoxious.
Please take a tri to Florida and vote for him, it's a swing state puertobro
Why is Jow Forums shilling this guy so much? Are they just being ironic or do they really want their neetbux that bad?
having an asian president will better relations with asia
I'm on yang gang honestly
Next president is Joe Biden
>do they really want their neetbux that bad?
literally the only reason he's being meme'd by zoomers
We need based centrism to balance between government and corporate bootlicking. A lick for each foot.
Who is this guy?
He plays Fortnite doesn’t he..?
he has based view on racial relations in America unlike other democrats
he's shilled on Jow Forums relentlessly along with all the other memeflags
He's just some more shitty bait for newfags to respond to
where in the us can you be a comfy neet for 1k/mo?
huh? don't know about that. But he's more popular on Jow Forums than on Jow Forums. So its clear who his fanbois are.
>he has based view on racial relations in America unlike other democrats
Democratic persidential candidate advocating for universal basic income due to automation.
fuck drumpf
fuck Israel
Federal NEET bux now!
Hopefully he gains a huge following, and then gets snubbed like Bernie and then runs as an independent splitting the race 3 ways.
Then when Trump wins by a non majority and the liberals go crazy and file secession, we just let them go on their way and call it a day.
This country needs to be broken up.
This would be nice, but your hope is in vain, sadly.
Trump2020: No wall, shrinking middle class, more immigration, more corporate bailouts, Israel lobbying etc.
YangBang:All of that but you get paid $1000.
You know who to vote for.
some low income suburb/ghetto in any major US city.
Gives you decent access to internet and cheap tendies. You wont get shot since you won't going out anyway
I think is god in math and a shit driver
He was on the Joe Rogan Experience and he stated that the mainstream media was being very dishonest when they reported on 'how' Trump the election. The blame racism, but he claims that it's really an economic problem, how the Democratic Party is no longer the party for the working class American.
You uploaded the wrong pic. Bernie isn't even Asian.
Nah bernie is old and busted.
/Yang Gang/ is new hotness
>old retard commie jew
>vs. based humanitarian capitalist chang
white working class*
Based and youngpilled
This is the next president of the US
The best candidate in years.
Probably won't win though.
Who? A jew will probably be president before an Asian.
why do you keep posting this ugly beaner
>companies that compete are a monopoly
Those three companies compete in various fields and butt heads often (Amazon and Google devices being a good example).
>comfy neet for 1k/mo?
Shitholes where you take advantage of social programs and eat at soup kitchens. Or anywhere if you can mooch off relatives.
You use the same stupid ass definition of monopoly the government uses
Amazon and Google ARE monopolies
Google has a monopoly on search
Amazon has a monopoly on Internet marketplace
but according to your stupid definition, because they have competing product lines as well, they are not monopolies
Not religious but Assange acts like a twat and is a Kremlin bitch. Hes as likeable as a lamprey.
Because its him (or some Mexican anons think so) or someone he is trolling.
Google does not have a monopoly on search, I can use bing or yahoo right now if i wanted to
>Amazon and Google ARE monopolies
>Google has a monopoly on search
>Amazon has a monopoly on Internet marketplace
>competitors are monopolies
>other opitions exist but because people prefer them they are monopolies
>they arent involved in price fixing but they are monopolies
You fucking retard. Standard oil was a monopoly, DeBeers is a monopoly, AT&T was a monopoly, the East India Companies were monopolies, the NFL is a monopoly, etc.
Just because it's big and diverse doesnt mean it's a monopoly.
>cozying up with republicans
I’m not a burger but I know this has to be a joke. If anything, the political affiliation of these corporations are incompatible with America’s right wing values. Bezos and Trump obviously hate each other.
Amazon, Apple, and Google all support socially progressive ideas, but none of them (especially Amazon) side with Democrats on economic issues. Just look at how Amazon treats it's employees. Someone like Bernie could never support Amazon, that's why big companies try to support more business friendly factions of the Democrats and Republicans.
corporations larp as lefty to get woke points but when push comes to shove they go full libertarian don't tread on me garbage.