FOMO32 Exit Scam

Fomo3D is a decentralized, trustless blockchain game running directly on the Ethereum network. Here are the basics of how Fomo3D works:

This is a lottery game in which the last person to buy a key at the end of a round wins the pot
During a round, people can purchase 1 or more keys which adds time to the timer and marks them as the current leader. With each key purchase during the round, the key price increases slightly.
Players receive a stream of passive income from the game as keys are bought during the round.
When the timer reaches zero, last person to buy a key wins! (F3D players/P3D holders get a piece too)

This shits mooning right now and I don't think it'll be going down anytime soon.

Attached: exitscam.png (1236x545, 376K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not sure how long I'll stay in this but I'm making good profits for now

The reddit button went on for 2 months for fucks sake. Imagine adding a monetary element to it.

Lol I got an airdrop off one of my keys already. Wonder how high this will go though.

Attached: vitalikme.jpg (1200x900, 328K)
fomo is good, but p3d is better

crypto really is a revolutionary technology.

I saw some people on plebbit bitching about this on Jow Forumsethereum. It's like they don't want their platform to actually have reall cool DApps.

Who else is team snek?

Attached: es.png (1036x583, 596K)

Team whale

Did anyone just the name satoshi nakamot0 win? That's me holy fuck im rich bois.

From my understanding, website just takes data from the Ethereum blockchain and the smart contract will run without it.

What happens when the website owners shut it down when there are a few seconds remaining and buy the last key so it is improbable anyone will buy a key after them?

Reddit hates and censors any thing remotely cool. Bunch of faggots over there.

You can just send eth to the smart contract address. It will return to you keys. I believe if you don’t send data along with it you auto get team snek.

What's keeping me to automate the key purchase shortly before it's going to 0? This scam will run forever.

If you don't own any of their P3D coin (I sure as shit don't) then team Bear is the only option

Glad there's a safety net like this!

The price of keys increases every purchase, do you have enough eth for this stunt?

You and dozens of other programmers

>these divs will run forever

okay thanks for free eth

I am really asking myself how many people are brainless enough to waste money on something like this.

Enough that it actually turns into a good investment. Greed is a powerful thing and the more money going into it the more you'll make.

Is that how it works? I thought snek was the best. So if you only own these keys and nothing else from them the dividends aren't any better?

Well that's kind of the underlying point of the game since you get dividends for every purchase, see.

With team snek winning the key holders get way more dividends man. Be the smart player and play for dividends, not the pot.

My fault, Snek goes
Pot 20% - Keyholders 56% - P3D Holders 10%
Pot 43% - Keyholders 43% - P3D Holders 0%
The smart play is to go for dividends which would be Snek. I am a brainlet (which is why I bought any keys to begin with)

How many keys to make it?

Attached: hello.jpg (576x768, 123K)

Honestly not sure i just put in 4 ETH for the kicks but it's doing good so far

Agreed Snek is the way to go this thing won't die for a very long time. We'll be getting dividends for awhile maybe even a year +

I do certainly think this could continue for some time. A huge pot of ETH and an addictive formula. It sells the idea that even if you don't win, you still win. This is true, as long as you get in early enough.

You can bet your ass everyone will be botting, and that's why this shit will literally never end.

I'm not sure what the price curve is for key price increasing, but assuming it's not exponential, people will be bidding (with bots) IF the timer ever gets even close to 0. And at this rate, it could take months AT LEAST, if not years, but probably moar.

Fuck me, we're almost at 300 ETH and this is only the beginning.

Lol I think it'll end once the cost goes insanely up but by then everyone here will of made a shit ton

do i have to "play" if i put money in f3d? I dont wanna really gamble, would it be smarter just to dump 1 eth into p3d if i just want passive dividends?
Or should i risk more and buy into f3d??

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