Fuck being rich. The point of life is to become powerful. I mean 5 million dollars aint shit...

Fuck being rich. The point of life is to become powerful. I mean 5 million dollars aint shit. Maybe 50 million would be a good starting point to rule over people of the city.

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smoking on a flight

fucking boomers

The absolute state of millenial cucks.

If I hit 5 million I'd move back home to the midwest and live off CD income if I had to. Rather be comfy and watch the world burn on television while sitting on the sidelines and nitpicking everything.

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>Tfw they don't let you vape on a flight because they're retarded

No one want to be in the presence of a neckbeards lung vapor. Smoke like a real man fagget.

anyone who vapes needs to be sterilized

also exploding batteries and chemical burns are worse than just a lit cigarette

>tfw they don't let you vape weed on the flight

fucking morons

Attached: bongsergey1.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

i like you

did this once when I was addicted... had a small wooden vape, packed some weed in my shoe and powered it with my phone on the toilet, worked like a char,

Lol what third tier shit city do you live in?

Some eastern european city that's decaying.

Me too. I miss the comfy.

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This is gorgeous pick

Smoke weed like a real nigga b.

Not my OC, on a work computer, but similar to something I took (pic related - hooked up phone). Near Land O' Lakes in northern Wisconsin. If you move there bring your own waifu.

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Who gives a fuck about power. It's all just games of who is the biggest rat and who can successfully lie to the most people. I'd rather just be a rich hermit and chill with my wife all day while buying anything I want and not interacting with anyone else.


First you get the money. Then you get the power. Then you get the women.

That's how it is in this country

>5 million ain't shit
I'd kick your knees in for $50 right now and be happy with that.

You recognize that that, too, is power, right?

Okay Tony

that's why I need my own jet.

Id be happy with being dead

This but unironically

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If you don't admire what he did and what he accomplished, you have low test. You don't have to like the way he did it, but his perseverance and personality and the end result was impressive

>thread begins about power, ends with some faggot vaping foot weed on a plane
the absolute state of Jow Forums

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dude weed lmao is safe and doesn't cause addicition goy it's safer than tobacco and the business has more cash flow potential please beg for it to be legal goyim

sounds about right for the midwest, nitpicking on the sidelines.
But honestly, I feel like the midwest is gonna burn the worst if SHTF
Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan
All of these places have so many fucking low income nogs and white trash, that if we really did hit depression level shit, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the midwest.

>low income nogs
>white trash
>bad place to be when SHTF
Sounds like California to me.

t. Bay Area California