Wow..that really puts things into perspective

wow..that really puts things into perspective

Attached: jt1q2kzsge911.jpg (957x960, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the world's biggest bank
kek, tell that to people who bought their first bitcoin in January, their bank got fucking robbed a few times, actually the robbery is still happening right now

Uberization user, it will reach every corner of our economies, and doesn't care about governments or borders.

Middlemen in everything
happening for thousands of years

Except that middlemen will be dapps in the future

how do we fuck the middlemen

What moron even drew this crap, all those tech companies are aggregators of consumer demand and classic network effect companies. Bitcoin aggregates aspies and retards, not banking customers, maybe they should sell ads for for katanas and krocs

Ask them out on a date, buy them a few drinks, be charming and respectful. Or rape them.

Guys if you know a little about history middlemen become extremely rich at the end of eras. I am scared now, certainly scared for my children.

Where can I read about this?

And this frends is why you buy IOTA

theres a good movie called middlemen, about the dudes who invented credit card transactions for purchasing porno.

Brb I forgot the name.

On the Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther

Men Of Wealth by John Flynt and Decline of the West by Spengler. Both are tremendously informative books, I would recommend everybody on Jow Forums at least read Men of Wealth its a light read, it covers the creation of bankers, the first real fortune that was created in Europe and what led to one of the first depressions.

Interesting note just before everything went to shit, apprenticeships started lasting longer (people had to study more for the same jobs), barriers of entry to find jobs was artificially created (4 years experience for entry level job) and regulations for starting new businesses or practices was insanely cumbersome.

I would also recommend Straw dogs. Great book about what is going on.

No not that bit of a meme book.


Culture of critique is a much better book for the modern reader to understand Jewish influence.

>Googled "Men Of Wealth by John Flynt"
>Finds a tranny links
never change Jow Forums

>Finds a tranny links

it's shouldn't I fucked up the surname its flynn. Sorry user.

Attached: 515nH7+NlzL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 25K)

Says more about you then about Jow Forums.

It's all just information bro...

Guys I fucked up the Surname for men of wealth it should be John Flynn not Flynt. I made a mistake I am very sorry.

Don't ever let it happen again. You know posters of Jow Forums are held to the highest of standards regarding grammar. If it happens again you'll be shadowbanned.

Thank you sir, very wise sir.
I never do the grammar bad again sir.

Fuck you both, I only corrected it because of the extreme importance I put on it. Now your mockery will ensure nobody reads it.

Nothing new, it's called Rentier aka rent seeking. This is how smart jews make bank. Biggest portion of the US economy is the FIRE sector, or Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate. All the big boys in these sectors, if they are good, make money while producing nothing and watching money stack up. And everyone here aspires to be in that club.

Attached: 4FC2EF5E-BB1B-4757-8071-853BAA0F24D1.png (530x687, 173K)

>OP is the world’s largest faggot
>is a complete khv with no sexual experience with another person

>yfw chain link is a middleman
$1000 EOY

they aint business.
businesses use PLATFORMS.
its like buinesses moved beyond producing for the marketplace and started just making marketplaces

that's google ads telling you to suck dick not to read books about wealth

It's called consolidation
