Redpill me on Enigma

Despite Intel partnership it's dropping like a stone. It is hovering around #100 on coinmarketcap. Is this a good buy in? Main-net is released this fall, how big will Enigma moon?

Attached: download.png (225x225, 4K)

Most lost interest after that terrible ICO and whatever shit happened after that. I can't even remember what exactly went wrong.

It's a shitcoin OP. If you want something similar, buy DERO dip and avoid reading the daily FUD on here. ENG does nothing but bleed.

It's a scam, OP. Don't trust them.

someone hacked an Enigma social media account and spammed an email list out of $500,000 of ETH

there is no similar tokens to Enigma

Dero hides who is involved in the smart contract

Eng hides the content of the smart contract and allows the data to remain secret

Biggest thing to happen to crypto since Ethereum.
1. Bitcoin
2. Ethereum
3. Enigma

Enigma is insane. Computation on encrypted data is a game changer for smartcontracts and business applications. See how the secret contracts test net goes before going all in.

*IF* blockchain becomes ubiquitous, then enigma will be worth thousands per coin.


>thousands per coin
Holy shit. The absolute state of delusional holders.

Reached the same conclusion here user.

*IF block chain is to see wide spread use and *IF* enigma is successful

then Enigma will the most useful protocol in crypto

Market cap of 150B. If crypto goes to 20 trillion then something that is to be part of most contracts deserves 1% of the market at least. Every smart contract on every platform might cost ENG to execute,

Enigma is one of the missing factors that blockchain technology as a whole needs, for it to proliferate. Not only will the enigma protocol be an industry standard, big data companies are going to love it. It genuinly has the potential of price actions within the 500-1000 usd range.

It just depends how blockchain itself will develop from here on out.

*IF one better project which will execute this with a fairer distribution scheme appears, then this will be worthless.

Is it so hard for you delusional holders to see it? Just a matter of time for someone do it better, with a fairer distribution.

Why don’t you just explain your position? What makes Enigma a “scam”?

Enigma idea is awesome but...

The Enigma team is young as fuck. Never have worked with massive enterprise data and the type of analytics done with that. Large enterprises have trouble with it themselves, getting the right tools, tech, talent, etc. Add putting that on opaque cutting edge privacy focused sidechain who nobody knows about or knows how to use...

This will take years and years. I hold some of this but during the next bullrun or 3, you'll still be better off holding Bitcoin or Monero.

Attached: Bitcoin.jpg (1080x1080, 392K)

Look at the percentage of total tokens they hold.

but enigma is so small compared to bitcoin and monero?

Guy (their CEO) has one of the most cited white papers in crypto, his thesis from 2015 was on this very problem.

the team is full of MIT grads.

this is one the best teams in crypto

You fucking idiots do know that the actual enigma idea has yet to be proven to even work. Literally.... it’s all theory with 0 proof. I used to hold a lot of this shit. Sold all of it off after I found out the idea may not even be possible.

MIT or not, the real world enterprise volumes of data that need to to do things like run performant model simulations and scale is a lot different from academia. Most of those guys have no clue about that, the pressure of delivering, finding the right talent and selling biz on the tech. It'll take ages. Enterprises are just now migrating to cloud infrastructures and it's been around for a long time now.

I think Enigma team is legit and I hold some but this is not a moonboy coin.

Attached: Scarlet-Witch-1.jpg (1406x950, 334K)

they have test net up right now with working TEE

they have yet to not miss a deadline, they have MPC test net on road map for Q2 2019. lets see if they deliver

This basically, it's one of those coins you'll hold just because of its potential. Who knows what the fuck will happen, but IF this moons, it will moon beyond space-time itself. I always keep a minmum of 300 ENG in my portfolio, just in case.