Essential books for /biz


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I've read all three, and I'm stuck at a temp agency doing manual labor.

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This masterpiece. Then read Atlas Shrugged. Fountainhead is better though and much more inspirstional for go it alone Jow Forums types

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Read Discourses on Livy you please cuck.

because you choose to be a stick choosing to wageslave and be a good little citizen never wanting to step out of the box your masters put you in stop playing by other rules if it doesnt benefit you

> you need to put yourself on death ground and come out of wageslave comfort jobs that put you in the wagey weekly grind who only look forward to the weekend reach deathground where you have to choose succeed AT ANY COST of failure = DEATH EMBBARRESINMENT SHAME

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why do a job manual labor job at a temp agency IF there isnt any future in that what you may get a $2 rise of pay in 2 years get out there and HUNT OR DIE even if it means doing things that goes against the idea of yourself you built because what has that version of your self gotten you A MANUAL LABOR JOB FROM A TEMP AGENCY get hungry or die a SLAVE

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I have no idea what other options are available.

if tomorrow you no longer can take this wage slaving shit anymore or you cant find a wageslave job WWYD ill you just KYS or step out of your comfort zone and find a way to survive put yourself on death ground NOW cause before long a fe years of botton of the barrel wage slaving will mentally make you a slave and you will become one

> RIch people not happy
> I ENJoy the simple things live gives me
> I CANT BElieve i once wanted anything more

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On War by Carl Von Clauswitz
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

any and all robert greene

I'd love to be rich but I don't know how I can get there.

This is the most fedora thread I've ever seen on Jow Forums
What about Robert Caro's biographies?
Why no Max Weber?
And worst of all - no actual books on finance, business, marketing, not even stuff on rhetoric and persuasion. What the fuck is this shit!?! Are you 15 OP!?
>Sun Tzu's art of war
>VI. 4. If the enemy is taking his ease, he can harass him; ifwell supplied with food, he can starve him out; if quietly encamped, hecan force him to move.
Ahh I see, so when Bob from accounting isn't working too hard I should annoy him and steal his lunch out of the office fridge. THANKS SUN TZU, this is totally relevant to business in the 21st century and not overinterpolating a 2300 year old pseudo-poetic book.

>When you come to a hill or a bank, occupy the sunny side, with the slope on your right rear
Wow so insightful! totally solved all my online funnel problems... not.

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Just get the book 48 Laws of Power.

>that bizlet that thinks he's emperor Palpatine after reading the Prince

just got my order of books for this summer
1 art of war (sun tzu)
2 48 laws of power
3 anatomy of the state (Rothbard)
4 what has government done to our money (Rothbard)
5 the prince (Machiavelli)
6 the republic (plato)
7 how an economy grows and why it crashes (Schiff)
8 the myth of the rational voter (Caplan)
9 beyond good and evil (Nietzsche)
10 the road to serfdom (hayek)
11 a theory of socialism and capatalism (hoppe)

Number two is a shitty self help book. The rest are all worth reading.

Hayek and Nietzsche are worth the time reading. The others are irrelevant now.

>Plato & Machiavelli
Fuck you.

are you telling me i cant galactic empire now

Good opening post
Keep going, nigger

Solid post

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>Number two is a shitty self help book. The rest are all worth reading.

why do so many people on this shit forum have this retard opinion? have you even read the book? not that i care - the less people out there that are aware of robert greenes books the better for me but damn. i dont know why you guys talk so much shit

The Sovereign Individual you fucking retards

this is what we say to keep idiots away the first time i read the prince i didnt want anyone else i knew to be aware this type of information exist

irl i am that way too. but on here its different and i kind of feel im talking to people that are in the same boat as me and actually care about success, so i dont mind helping.

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Jordan “you’re just jealous of the Jews because they have high IQs” Peterson

honestly dont read this absolute drivel. its pseudo nonsense, it might be genuine but its written poorly.

Well you are

> “you’re just jealous of the Jews because they have high IQs

isnt that what whites say about blacks whites will all be niggers to jews and asians

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>reading books with author's name is bigger font than the title

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absolute classic

Only good suggestions I've seen in here so far.