Are they indoctrinated? Everytime a German posts his opinions it feels like reading off a script

Are they indoctrinated? Everytime a German posts his opinions it feels like reading off a script

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No just severely autistic

Why would a mentally sane normie even post here?

Once he was doing a pretty good job, maybe someone else took care of that now.

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I am really sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help you?

They are souless sheeple fucking "peopl" with no thought of their own whatsoever. They always do as they are told.

They deserve no land or country, slave race of subhumans with swarthy skin and delusion of grandeur.

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Nice butthurt, now go back to being a slave

hello Jakub

We are not indoctrinated. Are you talking about our duty to protect the Jews from anti-semitism? I hope you never forget about the Holocaust.

I am really sorry this has happened. Let me see if I can find a solution to it.

German humour, ladies and gentlemen.

Polish asshurt, ladies and gentlemen.

At killing poles?


Nice meme, barbershops don't exist in Germany. We go to the 40 year old eastern european women with bad attitude to get our hair cut...

This is what I understand you are telling me, you are not amused: Did i get this right?

Hitler has killed more Germans than anyone ever. He should be considered a hero.

>why yes hello we are here to fill up your international shitposting board with paragraphs-long essays about the EU army, Eurozone and the failures of Brexit every time a thread has the word Europe in it, guten tag :-DDD

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We believe in taking historic responsibility. Let's make up our minds. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.

I assure you, we most certainly will work on our post wording. Would that be satisfactory?

they are a litle bit like robots, they truly do what they are told.

but they are very educated people.

>We believe in taking historic responsibility.
*funds Polish Death Camps campaign*
*funds Ruso-German WWII propaganda videos*

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I really don't understand this, personally I think their entire concentration camps' system worked amazing, nothing to be ashamed of. Murdering millions of people is not that much of a big deal.

>Everytime a German posts his opinions it feels like reading off a script
Their posts are easy to read for Japanese people
They are so kindly that sometimes they explain to us what we don't know
The Japanese who feel same thing are many and I think we are helped by them