What phenotype is this

What phenotype is this

Attached: IMG_20190308_204040.jpg (2448x3264, 1.32M)

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Brown eyes = nonwhite. Welcome to Jow Forums sweaty.

The one that I would like to kiss

I see

part nafri or part jew (or maybe full either)

nobody, and I mean NO-BODY really, nobody in his right mind wants to kiss a peruvian, sorry pal

Bell beaker subhuman

where u from vro

I fucked a fat peruvian girl once


are ou OP?

Fuck off stupid monkey

The hell is that ?


What make you think that

>Fuck off stupid monkey
but we look literally almost exactly the same
I don't have hair or ugly spots on my face tho



Looks like a polack, so probably a kike

Was she hot?

Alright, I would like to see a frontal pic.
Judging from the profile this person looks very alpinid.


ugly xD

Attached: 1461987326367.png (435x269, 5K)

Attached: IMG_20190308_210752.jpg (2448x3264, 2M)


Attached: 1543585245908.jpg (2560x1920, 857K)

Sacre bleu...

looks romanian

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Pole/Ukrainian aka nigger

>c'est quoi

dear lord, I take back everything I said here may the lord protect me, may the lord protect us all

Effet caméra

Why ?

Btw why are Brasilians so rude towards non white ?

übermensch 2.0. final destination.


we're not, why only shit talk people for vengeance.

Your hair looks very soft
Yes you have the closest resemblance to Alpinids
Your eyebrows look a bit weird though and the nose is quite fat.



breddy shure i do

Attached: 1523828160624.jpg (1080x1350, 150K)

I'm so fucking proud to be non-wh*Te!

>tfw everyone says polish girls the best
>but we will never experience mocca empress

What phenotype is THIS?

Attached: IMG_20190303_210752.jpg (768x768, 182K)

Beta phenotype

My grandfather is Alpine and as a big nose too if that helps

Attached: Alpinid_profile_0.png (261x356, 71K)

Atlantid + Alpinid


would not bang

Not jewish, that's for sure.

Attached: 1545027398755.png (500x463, 934K)

On a very serious note it actually does look French or Russian I am 100% certain
horrible phenotype though, you'll never have good bone, height, eye area or coloring.
In other words you ''look'' average but you're only invisible
But I've also seen guys who look like that in my country and all around eastern europe.
He COULD be russian but he looks nothing like me personally


also get a fucking shave and lose the retarded expression and you'll you get +0.5