Brits need a loicense to view this picture

>Brits need a loicense to view this picture

Attached: pic-10-introducing-fortunefuckhundredcorporate-executives-by-day-porn-stars-at-night-hope-you-e-pics (643x408, 28K)

>protecting children is wrong

buncha prudes

>porn is a threat to children

Attached: 1514149583815.jpg (655x655, 263K)

this is the things you tell yourself in order to cope

Reminder that brits actually have the audacity to make fun of other countries


who else bet this will backfire?

>ban porn
>ignore paki child grooming gangs for years

Your right.
They should just ban it.

and I thought my cunt was puritanical

Attached: 34370201-FB7F-423E-B58B-E0C4F6CB9DD5.jpg (807x802, 74K)


Incels are SEETHING at this.

Does that mean the Bongs will need a loicense to lurk on Jow Forums?

oi m8 you need a noughty voucher to watch that lewdy programme


Attached: 1551009259164-int.jpg (480x640, 12K)


Corbyn really needs to rev up the gulags for every tory and blairite soon


Is this real? Seems like a good idea

>Fucking them isn't though in GB

Someone post NSFW so the Brit gets jailed.

>ban porn to protect your children
>while "Asian" "grooming" gangs and catholic priests roam the streets unquestioned

Gott strafe England.