internet addiction is ruining my life
Internet addiction is ruining my life
He fell for the addiction meme
get a pavlok and zap the shit out of yourself when you browse for longer than your self-recommended timer you absolute dog
I can help you.
There are some steps you need to take:
First ask yourself: is this a problem? Do I need to stop? Does it run my life? If the answer is yes and you can admit to yourself that you are stuck, you take the following path:
3 steps:
First of all you uninstall all the internet apps from your devices. Next you get the Blocksite addon ( for Chrome and whenever you notice yourself on a website for too long, you put it on the list.
Block everything, take your access away. Your brain is addicted and you need your brain for different things than browsing.
The second thing you need to start is accounting your day. Every day before bedtime you will account your day and write down what you did or didn't do. Be honest and don't lie to yourself.
Third, you need to find something new to do to fill your new time. Or you do the work which you are actually supposed to do, but moved aside to procrastinate instead. Keep your surroundings in order, make your bed, clean on a daily basis. Exercise is often recommended. Lifting weights three times a week (Google Stronglifts App if you have no clue what you should do at the gym) changes young men mentally and physically in amazing ways.
1) Block access
2) Account your day
3) Find new things, keep your surroundings in order and exercise regularly
Part three is a process. If you don't know what else you could do, that is fine as well. Take your time for that.
fap more
learn to code, then internet becomes a money maker
Thanks user, but I've actually been trying all of that stuff for years. I always disable blockers. Even with very strict blocking I end up disabling it somehow, or I boot into a live USB, or use my family's computer, or use a library computer, etc. I've done the "accounting my day" thing many times, but only lasts a few weeks at most before I give up on it. I do have work and hobbies I want to do, I just put them off constantly (usually because I'm on the internet). I've been lifting weights (very inconsistently) for ~4 years with the aim of doing it 3 times a week. The habit never sticks. I do it consistently for a few weeks, then I miss a few days, then I stop going for a month or two. Rinse and repeat. I guess I'll try blocking stuff again. I'm just tired of trying and failing over and over again.
thanks, I'll look into that.
I thought of that, but I can't get work done on my computer. I'll just fuck around on the internet instead of coding.
i sort of agree but have you seen the absolute state outside? i want to do things but wtf do you even do when you just work and don't know anyone? apparently you just stay indoors on the internet.
What do you actually do on the internet?
Jow Forums, reddit and youtube mostly. But it's not so much specific websites that are the problem, it's just the internet in general. If I blocked all those sites, I'd just look at crypto sites/discussion forums/wikipedia/news sites/whatever. The problem is I actually need the internet for work stuff.
In the same boat here. I thought I had an internet addiction like OP, but when I shut it off I realized it's the only thing keeping me sane.
go on holiday and do interesting stuff outdoor, look at things in real life. you will forget the internet even exists. after that, just work on your discipline. you can browse, just keep it in check.
I did go on holiday last month for ten days. I went to beaches, museums, castles, went hiking, tried new food, practiced the language a bit, etc. I still used the internet a good bit, especially when I woke up or in the evening. But I spent most of my time outside of my apartment, just to try and make the most of the holiday (even though I didn't really enjoy it).
Have you tried Whitelisting? Try to stop using devices for anything except work altogether.
If you fail, just write it down and continue trying again.
When you were accounting your day, did you also note every little success?
(Managed to not browse for 2 hours. Noticed myself drifting off and stopped myself after 5 minutes.)
Another thing for you might be mindfulness meditation. After getting up and before bedtime 10 minutes.
If your addiction makes you suffer you should get a therapist and even consider ADHD medication .
No, you're ruining your life.
YouTube is a fucking. bitch they've been pumping millions Facebook style into engaging people to stay there for hours, I don't use social networks but have been fighting for years now to unhook from that piece of shit
Block it. Seriously.
>tfw im a 30 yo neet because im a peice of shit and cant control my time online
having no use to go outside doesnt help either but i can only blame myself for that shit too
>he doesn’t delight in the fact he lives in a time where terabytes of asian feet pics are instantaneously available for free and instead curses the addictiveness of this as if it were misfortune
Join something. Our brains love community and working for a common goal. Your brain is starving. Social networks are empty calories. Join the fire brigade or the local chess club. Try stuff out. Jump from one activity to the other.
fucking legit. i should block it but its useful when i do need it.
holy fuck at how addictive they've made youtube. kids growing up on this with their single mothers dont stand a chance.
I tried whitelisting work related sites and blocking everything else. It was pretty annoying because I needed (or sometimes fooled myself into think I needed) to look at other websites and I wasn't able to. I always ended up disabling it eventually. I'll probably try it again as it's better than not having it.
No, I didn't really go into that much detail with the accounting, but I guess I can try it.
I've been meditating on and off for years. My longest streak was 20 minutes per day for six months (probably the most consistent I've been with anything ever). It seemed to do absolutely nothing for me.
Medication may be the only solution for me though I'm reluctant to do that.
Unironically turn off you computer and read books. You won't miss it after a while.
I have the same problem here, buddy. I’ve managed to improve a bit over the last few days, but I always find myself ending up back here :/
I have a similar problem where I need to use the internet for school-related things, and I always diverge from what needs to be done to site like this, YouTube, and other time-wasting avenues. My biggest problem seems to be that once I go down the rabbit hole of distraction, I lose all sense of time. Yes, sometimes I’m just a weak bitch and I switch over to Jow Forums, but other times I just go to take a quick glance as a 5-10 minute break, and then I turn to the clock and see I’ve wasted an hour. It’s almost like the internet puts me in trance where time is complete lost track of.
I’m combating this by incorporating pic related’s method into my life. I can’t cut off the internet completely since I need it to check my crypto investments and complete homework assignments, but I’m progressively moving away from my dependence and addiction to it. Here are a few tips:
>read as much as possible, really force yourself to focus on reading and cut out the internet. Make a shift to this as your go-to vice. An hour of reading is worth infinitely more than an hour at you’re computer. You feel like you’re learning, but you’re really not. It’s an illusion.
>meditate 5 times a day for 10-15 min instead of struggling for 1 20 minute session. It’ll make you more aware and able to combat the problem.
>delete all bookmarks, history, etc. don’t give yourself easy access to time-wasting sites, even when you’re on your computer
>use the pomodoro technique to lift yourself out of your addiction by limiting the time you spend on it. The original pomodoro is 25 minutes of work, followed by a 5-10 minute break. Once you complete 4 of those, you can break for 15-30 min and then restart the cycle. Start with something easier like 15 min working, 15 min wasting time at first, and then push back your time-wasting minutes
Forgot pic! Exercise and nofap will also make it easier. Find ways to distract yourself from your distractions, and limit your time being wasted. Good luck, user!
You control your reality
fucking normie most of us here are way past that stage. quit the internet you won't
OP you are just making the problem bigger than it is by refusing to act on the obvious solution which is not turning on or using our looking at any devices for a set amount of time (like a month).
the journey of 1000 miles begins with a step, but then you need to keep stepping.