I wouldn't fap to CP if it wasn't taboo it's the fact that it is taboo that makes it so appealing.
I wouldn't fap to CP if it wasn't taboo it's the fact that it is taboo that makes it so appealing
I wouldnt piss myself in public if it isn't taboo,it's the fact that it is taboo that makes it so appealing
>i wouldnt shit myself in public if it wasnt taboo, its the fact that it is taboo that makes it appealing
thats you?
Were you abused as a child or somthin?
>flag bringing up shitting out of nowhere
Damage control, kys pedo
seek professional help my dude. that's not something to play with
CP is boring. Little kids doing sexy thing inadvertently is where it's at.
Calm it Lachlan
death to pedophiles
you brought it up tho, my point wasnt in any fetishing way butwhat ever
Pedophiles are more respectable than Gays
t. Peter Scully
I have always wondered why do you fucks prefer a little girl rather than a hot latina chick, you really are insane
I'd still HAPPILY fug her tbqhwyf
t. undeveloped porn taste
disgusting body
Disgusting. Even the best connosieurs of our country agree that 12 years old are the best.
Shut up and get back to watching Daisy's Destruction, Pekka
you were supposed to grow out of lusting after women who resemble your mother
>During the morning, they proceeded to interrogate, torture, and execute the men in several locations.[9] Around noon, they began taking the women and older girls in groups, separating them from their children and machinegunning them after raping them.[10] Girls as young as 10 were raped, with soldiers reportedly heard bragging how they especially liked the 12-year-old girls.
It's fact. From our national tasters about our national product.
You're both a disgrace, no wonder our country is still shit.
>dude fuck niggers lmao
>fuck kikes xD
>Wtf!! You can't be attracted to that! Kys you pedo freak!!
>You're both a disgrace, no wonder our country is still shit.
>innocent instagram pictures of cute little girls
Where the fuck are you fucking faggot pieces of shit?
Do you beat it to kids or to the idea people will lynch you if they find out?
kids and the brainwashing that tells you children should not be engaging in those activities
taboo appeal is also the reason people like other types of degenerate shit like traps and cuckoldry
Yeha nah i've seen cp and you can literally see it in their faces how dead inside they are.
Honestaly the fact that the sick fucks don't notice this speaks a whole lot about their intelligence
I've never seen any so I don't know what you're talking about. Mind posting some examples?
Disgusting Salvadorian at it again
This woman gives me huge boner.
If dubs, all pedos will die in their sleep tonight.
Not insane, mentally ill. Pedophilia is literally a mental illness because male brains are hard wired to be attracted to women with wide hips and big breast, nou little children.
i like flat tomboys (with nice hips). Am i broken?
Ooooh no no no.
Fuck you, chomo. Hope you get your ass beat.