Youtube Comments

>I'm the english comment you're looking for

Attached: 1551773655732.gif (380x400, 197K)

fuck off, Justin Y.

>>I'm the english comment you're looking for
I want to round those faggots up and torture them to death desu

>1990: 30 years from now we'r gonna have flying cars! 2019: *this video*

Attached: 1551589141610.jpg (988x1059, 139K)

no they say
>don't mind me just an english comment passing by

>I think your dog is broken

Attached: 7655.png (293x172, 9K)

>2019 ?

Attached: 1551738091450.gif (307x343, 22K)


quality thread

>who is watching in 2020+

Attached: 1551559728462.gif (365x400, 551K)

>not my proudest fap

Attached: 1521289695158.png (1159x665, 183K)


Attached: These.jpg (432x143, 13K)

this place is just reddit with flags

>this place is just reddit with flags

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>jc denton pic

Attached: 1541008127878.jpg (1002x857, 54K)

>this place is just reddit with flags

Attached: 1520692142653.gif (800x371, 193K)

>hi (sorry for my bad english)

Attached: 1550353245430.png (228x257, 66K)

and it is

BTS brought me here

you’re just proving me right

>you’re just proving me right

Attached: 1543393137184.png (800x750, 121K)

I hate this attention whore post

>I paused porn for this!

Attached: 1549347684434.jpg (205x246, 8K)

Cлaвянe здecь?

>What a cute dog! I got a puppy a week ago and I just love him!
>Expand comments (200)
>Fuck you cuck! Hitler was a dark haired mutt who had no business calling himself Aryan!

>you’re just proving me right

Attached: 1551737592117.png (631x658, 43K)

>anyone else watch this in (insert current year)

>read a joking comment about capitalism
>some sperg from Jow Forums posts two dozen replies about the evils of Marx, atheism and the fall of western society in between spammed links from the Cato Institute, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Alex Jones, etc.
>it was a funny video of a guy breaking the in-game economy of a video game in a funny manner
Kenya not.

Attached: 1546633937804.png (407x454, 153K)


>I'm from{insert country} and my opinion on the video is...

Attached: 1547836105102.png (1022x740, 118K)

>algum BRRRRRR? kkkkkkk hue hue hue hue hue hue

Attached: 1550181979936.jpg (647x831, 110K)

>my mom entered the room and I switched to the porn because it was easier to explain

Attached: 1549805567166.png (640x732, 219K)

>video about something that isn't a bepis
>Instructions unclear, my benis got stuck

>Roses are Red Violets are Blue If The Title is in English The Video Should Be Too

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Ha мecтe

this does piss me off. It happens all the time. I click on a video with an english title only to find out it is Pajeets speaking one of their own langauges

>I was born in the wrong generation
>This made me lose hope for humanity

Attached: 015.png (434x327, 55K)

>we're living in the worst timeline!

Attached: 1544400777702.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

>fuck nigger
>edit: omg that for the likes guys

Attached: 1527678986486.png (732x772, 34K)

Youtube automatically translates video titles

Bce нa мecтe, cпopтcмeны

>you pretty, I sex you now.

Attached: pepe-the-frog.png (721x620, 86K)


Attached: 1520435200704.jpg (1024x617, 123K)

>that's a strange doggo

Attached: images.png (205x246, 6K)

>lol who else from zoomertardtuber????

Attached: soy1.jpg (387x437, 40K)

You say Rihanna? I say Limp Bizkit
You say Justin Bieber? I say Metallica
You say Beyonce? I say Slipknot
You say David Guetta? I say Korn

Thumbs up if you still listen to REAL music

Attached: eDQvTAB.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

>you, sir, just won the internet

Attached: Gtspiderman+on+ps4+_f89c23d48b69cbf59cf7b856e00cae80.gif (326x192, 41K)

>lick "Read More"
>it's empty

Attached: 1548180815459.png (461x394, 64K)

Attached: 1545459740360.jpg (299x108, 12K)

holy shit that reminds me of the k-pop armies
theyre absolutely autistic and their music videos are full of comments like

>Most priority in March 2019 TT road to 450M Like Ooh Ahh to 300M Candy Pop to 100M STRэAM MORE

like what the fuck dude are you seriously streaming these songs non stop to appease your insect goddesses lmao

>(Edit. Thanks for all the likes. Didn't expect this to blow up like this XD)
>(Edit 2. Omg 1500 likes. MY new record!)

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